• Sports Medicine


    Mrs. Vitale


    845-256-4164   voice mail ext. 69580


    Course Description:

    Sports medicine is a ¼ credit (10 week) elective course that covers basic topics in sports medicine and athletic training. Unit topics include Anatomy and Physiology, Human Structure and Function, Physiology of Exercise, First-Aid and CPR/AED, Nutrition and Weight Control, and Health and PE Careers. Students will be actively involved in the study of applied movement science.



    Grades are based on a pass/fail.  The grade will be determined by attendance, participation, projects, quizzes, and final exam.


    Rules & Expectations:

    ·       Be on time and prepared

    ·       Be respectful and open minded

    ·       Follow directions

    ·       Participate

    ·       If absent you are responsible for missed work

    ·       No cell phones or other electronic devices unless giving permission for class learning

    ·       Have Fun…





Last Modified on September 13, 2017