•  EDD Design Course Requirements and Guidelines

            Folder / Homework/Classwork   10%

    Students will be assessed on class participation.
    Students are expected to give 100% effort at all times.
    homework assignments will be collected or checked off at the beginning of class on the date it is due. Late homework will result in a grade drop.


            Quizzes/ Reports/ Presentations/Engineer Notebook    30%

    All students MUST keep a portfolio and an engineering notebook with all preliminary design development, sketches,research, and all team work activity throughout the course. Keep this work neatand organized and must be written in black ink. The engineers notebook will be collected bi-monthly for assessment.  These are required by PLTW.  Daily documentation of your work is recorded in your engineers notebook.

              This portfolio is a showcase of your work, learning process, capabilities, and best efforts. It should contain
              documentation of your original ideas, sketches, projects, accomplishments, best works, and materials to
              support your work. Yourportfolio should reflect your works and successes. It is displayed in a neat, orderly,
              and professional manner. This will be the final section of your 1.5" binder. Your portfolio will be collected every
              5 weeks for review and grading

    Projects/ Tests     60%

    Projects and Unit tests will be completedthroughout all the units and are designed to assess student understanding andapplication of information. Projects may be completed individually or at timesin groups. All group members must actively participate in the activity. Allwork must be completed on time since most activities will be worked on in class. Use your time efficiently and effectively. Late projects will result in a deduction from the final score. 


    Supplies Needed

    1.5" Binder for Notes and Handouts

    Clear top loading sheet protectors (optional)
    #2 pencil or Mechanical Pencil
    Pen (Black Ink)


    Extra Help

    Extra help will be offered each week. Student should check availablity posted on the board.


    Please take advantage ofthe extra time so that you do not fall behind.
    Need Help? Just Ask! If the times that I have scheduled do not work pleaseschedule an alternate

    There will be a mandatory sign in and out of the lab forafterschool help as a requirement and show proof of what they accomplished inthetime they were there. Please do not misuse the after school time.


Last Modified on September 7, 2022