Minutes – Regular Business Meeting – Board of Education – New Paltz Central High School – Jan. 23, 2008 – 7:00 PM


CALL MEETING TO ORDER                                                                                                                                 CALL TO ORDER

Meeting was called to order at 6:08 PM by Roderick Dressel Jr., Board President.

President Dressel appointed Maria Rice as Clerk Tempore for this portion of the meeting.


BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:                                                                                                                              QUORUM CHECK

                                                                Roderick Dressel Jr.

David Dukler

Don Kerr

                                                                Edgar Rodriguez (arrived at 6:12 PM)

                                                                Michael Swigart

                                                                Laura Walls


ALSO PRESENT:                 Maria Rice, Superintendent of Schools

                                                                Debora Banner, Assistant Superintendent (left 7:04 PM)

                                                                Barbara Clinton, Principal, NPCHS (left 7:04 PM)

                                                                Richard Wiesenthal, Principal, Middle School (left 7:04 PM)


ABSENT:                                               Patrick Rausch     



The roll was called as reflected above.



EXECUTIVE SESSION                                                                                                                                                      EXECUTIVE

Motion made by Michael Swigart and seconded by David Dukler that the Board of                                              SESSION

Education move into Executive Session at 6:10 PM for the purpose of discussing the specific

history of specific individuals.


Motion carried 5 - 0 with 5 members voting.


Out of Executive Session - Motion made by Don Kerr and seconded by

Michael Swigart that the Board return to Public Session at 7:05 PM.


Motion carried 6- 0 with 6 members voting.


CALL TO ORDER                                                                                                                                                     CALL TO ORDER

The Public Meeting was called to order at 7:13 PM by Roderick Dressel, Board President.


BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:                                                                                                                                                                                                             QUORUM CHECK

                                                                Roderick Dressel Jr.

David Dukler

Don Kerr

Edgar Rodriguez

Michael Swigart

                                                                Laura Walls


ABSENT:                                               Patrick Rausch






ALSO PRESENT:                 Maria Rice, Superintendent of Schools

                                                                Debora Banner, Assistant Superintendent

Bill Richers, Director of Information and Communications Technology

                                                                Mike Robinson, Director of Food Services

                                                                Beverly Sickler, District Clerk

                                                                Michael Labrosse, Student Representative

                                                                Members of the Public and Press


ROLL CALL                                                                                                                                                                        ROLL CALL

The roll was called as reflected above.




AGENDA CHANGES                                                                                                                                                          AGENDA


President Dressel announced the following Addendum to the agenda:                                                                   




12.7        Instructional Leave Replacement

Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent, does hereby appoint the following instructional employee as a leave replacement:


Catherine Wanko     School Psychologist       Effective 2/4/08 – 6/30/09                    MA, Step 1,   $55,830 pro-rated

(Replacing Elise Coiteux)                                                                                                   


12.8        Increase Hours for Non- Instructional Position from Part-time to Full-time

Recommendation – that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent, does hereby increase hours from a part-time position to a full-time position for the following:


Betsy Griffin-Vesley            Teacher Aide        Effective 1/28/08                   Increase hours from 5.5 hrs/day to 6.0 hrs/day


12.9        Home Tutor

Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby appoint the following instructional employee, on an as-needed basis with remuneration as per NPUT contract effective for the 2007-2008 school year:


Barbara Weiner



Mr. Dressel also announced that under Board Communications, the item regarding the African American Burial Ground will be postponed for a future meeting.


Motion to accept the agenda as amended made by Laura Walls and seconded by

David Dukler.


Motion carried 6 – 0 with 6 members voting.









PUBLIC COMMENTS                                                                                                                                                       PUBLIC


Ron Simon, New Paltz – Middle School Dilemma:  Cannot make decisions based on sentimentality

Sherry Osborne, New Paltz – Middle School Dilemma:  Embraces children walking to school

Steve Greenfield, New Paltz – Middle School Dilemma:  Financial concerns

Lis Clock, New Paltz – Middle School Dilemma:  Enrollment doesn’t warrant new

KT Tobin, New Paltz – Middle School Dilemma:  Statement from New Paltz Greenworks Committee

Sue Stagen, New Paltz – Middle School Dilemma:  Stats don’t show need.  Think it through.

Theresa Volitaire, New Paltz Greenworks – Middle School Dilemma: Why is new needed?  Impacts global warming,

Liz Kelso, New Paltz – Middle School Dilemma: Reuse and recycle - needs to be taught

Mary Woodburn, New Paltz – Middle School Dilemma:  Special Community that holds things dear

Sue Stagen, New Paltz – Middle School Dilemma: Suggested extend school year to use facilities

Ron Simon, New Paltz – Middle School Dilemma: Change isn’t easy.

Steve Greenfield, New Paltz – Middle School Dilemma: Not holding to past but looking to future

Laura Gertler, New Paltz – Middle School Dilemma: Concern over MS being located near HS

Terrence Ward, New Paltz – Middle School Dilemma:  Not nostalgic.  It’s about planning for the future.



STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE REPORT - Mike LaBrosse, Student Representative, reported on events and activities at the high school.  Because of exams, few activities took place other than the noteworthy success of the Wrestling Team at the MHAL competition..




Ø       SUPERINTENDENT COMMENTS – Superintendent Rice reported that Dan Torres, an amazing young man, went into Olympia Sports and saw that clothes were being sold with the New Paltz School School District name.  He asked the owner if money was going to the district as a result of the sales.  Because of his inquiry, the district will be getting some of the money from the sales. Mrs. Rice commented on Governor Spitzer’s proposed budget which was just released.  If enacted, the total aide to the district would be a negative number in excess of $288,000.  Since the district is considered a high wealth district we are at a disadvantage.


Ø       MIDDLE SCHOOL DILEMMA COMMUNITY OUTREACH & FORUM – Mrs. Rice reported on the voice blog for those who do not want to or are not able to go on-line to provide input regarding the Middle School Dilemma.  She reported on the comments made stating that one person said to sell the property, but all other comments supported renovation.  Ms. Rice said that the blog comments supported what most people commented on this evening.  Ms. Rice went on to report about the Duzine/Lenape PTA Forum.  There was a 50/50 vote to build new vs. renovate.  Ms. Rice reviewed various comments and concerns made at the meeting.  David Dukler reported on the High School PTSA forum.  There was split sentiment with similar ideas expressed.  He reported that brainstorming was done at the forum, indicating that people are looking at both sides.  Mrs. Rice went on to report on the Middle School Tour and Forum.  Growth is not the reason for new vs. renovation.  The need is based on the present condition of the middle school.  Mrs. Rice turned over discussion to members of the board.  Laura Walls asked that phone calls and small group meetings take place to involve Town of New Paltz Planning Board, Town of Gardiner, and Ulster County Planning Board prior to the Board of Education making a decision next week.  She indicated that cost needs should be estimated so that the board can have a big picture analysis.  Also, realtors should provide estimates as to the value of the middle school property.  The next decision is to determine what the next steps are and what the timeline is.  What are the top three/four things that we need to do after next week’s decision?  Members need to agree on this.  Hard data may change minds on how to proceed.  Numbers that the board can look at and that the public can understand need to be presented.  What is the value and what will the bonding cost?  What is the highest and best use of the property?  This will determine the value.  Is acquisition of land a part of the future cost in this discussion?  There is a cost of new, and cost of renovation and a cost of doing nothing.  Members asked Mrs. Rice to provide them with the numbers for next week’s meeting.   Firm cost estimates and the benefit to the education of our children are the issues that need to be addressed. 

Ø       FOOD SERVICE REPORT – Michael Robinson, Director of Food Services provided the members with the Food Services Operating Report for the 2006-2007 school year.  He also gave an update on the status of the Nutrition Task Force recommendations.  Questions and answers followed





Ø       AFRICAN AMERICAN BURIAL GROUNDS DISCUSSION – This item on the agenda will be discussed at a future meeting.




Ø       FACILITIES COMMITTEE – Rod Dressel reported on last week’s meeting during which the final interviews of the new Director of School Facilities & Operations took place.  Meeting dates will be announced in the near future.


Ø       COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE – David Dukler had nothing to report.


Ø       POLICY COMMITTEE – No report was presented due to the absence of Patrick Rausch.


Ø       AUDIT COMMITTEE – Michael Swigart announced a February 6, 2008 meeting.


Ø       HEALTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE – Don Kerr reported that the Code of Conduct is in the process of revision.


David Dukler thanked the members who provided input in the interview process for the Director of Facilities & Operations.


Superintendent Rice announced that interviews for the Administrative Assistant will be starting soon with Laura Walls sitting in on the process.  Mrs. Rice invited other member to participate.




Motion made by David Dukler and seconded by Don Kerr

that the Board of Education approve the following resolution:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 MINUTES


BE IT RESOLVED that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education accept the minutes of the

Regular Workshop Meeting of January 9, 2008.


Motion carried 6 - 0 with 6 members voting.


PERSONNEL (CONSENT AGENDA)                                                                                                                             PERSONNEL


Motion made by David Dukler and seconded by Laura Walls that the Board of

Education approve the following personnel (consent agenda) resolutions:


12.1        Provisional Appointment - Director of School Facilities and Operations

Recommendation that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby provisionally appoint Stephen J. Callahan as Director of School Facilities and Operations effective February 1, 2008 with an annually salary of $75,000 (prorated).


12.2        Instructional Substitute Appointment

Recommendation that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent, does hereby appoint the following instructional substitutes for the 2007/2008 school year:


Name                                      Certified/ Uncertified                         Rate of Pay/day

McLane, Catherine              Uncertified                                            $75.00

Sheskin, Felisa                      Uncertified                                            $75.00

Ashley L. Brocious              Uncertified                                            $75.00

George Broglia                      Uncertified                                            $75.00

Marcelino, Paula                  Certified                                 $95.00

Alexis T. Lathouris              Certified                                 $95.00


12.3        Instructional Appointment - Mentor

Recommendation - that the New Paltz Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby appoint the following instructional employee as a mentor for the 2007-2008 school year:


Ann Macur


12.4        Non-Instructional Resignation

Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby accept the resignation of the following non-instructional employee:


Eileen Gatto                           Sub. School Bus Driver                       Effective 1/11/08


12.5        Non-Instructional Appointments

Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby appoint the following:


Name                                      Title                                                       Effective Date                       Salary/Rate          Other    

Lois Borghere                       Sub. Food Service Helper                   1/3/08                                     $8.50/hr                  as needed

Kim Scott                               Sub. Food Service Helper                   12/13/07                                 $8.50/hr                  as needed

Kara Wooton                        Sub. Food Service Helper                   1/7/08                                     $8.50/hr                  as needed

Kara Wooton                        Food Service Helper                            1/24/08                                   $9.70/hr                  4 hrs per day


12.6        Non-Instructional Extended Emergency Conditional Appointments

Recommendation – that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby extend the appointment of the following non-instructional employees for an additional 20 days in anticipation of fingerprinting clearance.


Ann Berardinelli                   Angela Bulson                     Hilda Figueroa                      Jocelyn Swift       

Kevin Lawrence                   Angela Keller                        Angela Avila-Flores            Fern Woolsey

Lia Stropoli                            Amity Dippel                        Elani Ackhart                        Chirstine Bender

Virginina DiFazio 


12.7        Instructional Leave Replacement

Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent, does hereby appoint the following instructional employee as a leave replacement:


Catherine Wanko     School Psychologist       Effective 2/4/08 – 6/30/09                    MA, Step 1,   $55,830 pro-rated

(Replacing Elise Coiteux)   


12.8        Increase Hours for Non- Instructional Position from Part-time to Full-time

Recommendation – that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent, does hereby increase hours from a part-time position to a full-time position for the following:


Betsy Griffin-Vesley            Teacher Aide        Effective 1/28/08                   Increase hours from 5.5 hrs/day to 6.0 hrs/day


12.9        Home Tutor

Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby appoint the following instructional employee, on an as-needed basis with remuneration as per NPUT contract effective for the 2007-2008 school year:


Barbara Weiner


MOTION carried 6 - 0 with 6 members voting.



NEW BUSINESS                                                                                                                                           NEW BUSINESS


Motion made by David Dukler and seconded by Don Kerr that the Board of

Education approve the following resolution:

                                                                                                                                                                  CSE & CPSE PLACEMENTS


14.1        Request for Approval of Committee on Special Education Recommendations and Student Placements

BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approve the following Committee on Special Education (CSE) and Committee on Pre-School Special Education (CPSE) recommendations and student placements:  9302, 8161, 00001S, 10917, 9296, 9085, 147, 139, 9060.


Motion carried 6 – 0 with 6 members voting.


Superintendent Rice reported that some changes need to be made to the calendar as presented.  She reviewed those changes with the members who agreed to proceed with board action to accept the calendar as amended.


Motion made by David Dukler and seconded by Michael Swigart that the Board of

Education approve the following resolution:



                                                                                                                     APPROVE 2008-2009 DISTRICT CALENDAR


BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approve the 2008-2009 New Paltz Central School District Calendar as amended.


Motion carried 6 – 0 with 6 members voting.



Motion made by David Dukler and seconded by Don Kerr that the Board of

Education approve the following resolutions:


                                                                                                                                                         2009-2010 BUDGET CALENDAR




BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approve the 2008-2009 BOE Meetings Calendar for the 2009-2010 Budget/Election as presented and,


BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education approve the following 2008-2009 Board of Education Meeting Schedule:



July 2

Annual Organizational Meeting Regular/Workshop Meeting

July 16

Regular/Business Meeting

August 20

Regular/Business Meeting

September 3

Regular/Workshop Meeting

September 17

Regular/Business Meeting

October 1

Regular/Workshop Meeting

October 15

Regular/Business Meeting

November 5

Regular/Workshop Meeting

November 19

Regular/Business Meeting

December 3

Regular/Workshop Meeting

December 17

Regular/Business Meeting



January 7

Regular/Workshop Meeting

January 21

Regular/Business Meeting

February 4

Regular/Workshop Meeting

February 18

Regular/Business Meeting

February 25

Special Meeting – Budget Presentation

March 4

Regular/Workshop Meeting

March 18

Regular/Business Meeting

April 1

Regular/Workshop Meeting

(Budget Hearing for Community Input)

April 15

Regular/Business Meeting

(Budget Approval)

April 22

County-Wide Vote (BOCES)

May 6

Regular/Workshop & Public Hearing on Budget (Legal Requirement)

May 19 (Tuesday)

Annual Meeting - Election/Budget Vote

May 20

Regular/Business Meeting

June 3

Regular/Workshop Meeting

June 17

Regular/Business Meeting


Motion carried 6 – 0 with 6 members voting


Motion made by Laura Walls and seconded by Don Kerr that the Board of

Education approve the following resolution:


                                                                                                                 SEAKILL CUSTOM HOME BUILDERS SCHOLARSHIP


14.5        Request for Approval to Establish the Seakill Custom Home Builders Scholarship


BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education establish the Seakill Custom Home Builders Scholarship in the amount of $1,000 to be awarded to a graduating senior.


Motion carried 6 – 0 with 6 members voting.


Motion made by Laura Walls and seconded by Michael Swigart that the Board of

Education approve the following resolution:


                                                                                                                        BART GROUDINE-GOLDSTEIN SCHOLARSHIP


14.6        Request for Approval to Establish the Bart Groudine-Goldstein Scholarship

BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education establish the Bart Groudine-Goldstein Scholarship in the amount of $250 to be awarded to a graduating senior.


Motion carried 6 - 0 with 6 members voting.


FINANCIAL REPORTS                                                                                                                                  FINANCIAL REPORTS


None were presented.


OTHER DISCUSSION                                                                                                                                       OTHER DISCUSSION


Laura Walls asked that the recognition process continue.  Superintendent Rice announced that an

individual will be recognized in the near future.





PUBLIC COMMENTS                                                                                                                                                       PUBLIC





ADJOURN                                                                                                                                                                            ADJOURN


Motion made by David Dukler and seconded by Michael Swigart that the Board

adjourn at 10:10 PM.


Motion carried 6 - 0 with 6 members voting.



Respectfully submitted,





Beverly J. Sickler

District Clerk