Minutes � Regular Business Meeting � Board of Education � New Paltz Central School District Office Conference Room

August 20, 2008 � 7:00 PM

Executive Session � 6:30 PM


CALL MEETING TO ORDER                                                                                                                                 CALL TO ORDER

Meeting was called to order at 6:36 PM by David Dukler, Board President.


Mr. Dukler appointed Maria Rice as Clerk Pro Tempore for this portion of the meeting.


BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:                                                                                                                              QUORUM CHECK

                                                                Roderick Dressel Jr.

David Dukler

Steven Greenfield

Don Kerr

                                                                Edgar Rodriguez


ABSENT:                                               Patrick Rausch

                                                                Laura Walls


ALSO PRESENT:                 Maria Rice, Superintendent of Schools




The roll was called as reflected above.




EXECUTIVE SESSION                                                                                                                                      EXECUTIVE SESSION


Motion made by Steve Greenfield and seconded by Rod Dressel that the Board of                                                      

Education move into Executive Session at 6:37 PM for the purpose of discussing the

employment history of particular individuals and the school history of particular students

in accordance with their FERPA rights.


Motion carried 5 - 0 with 5 members voting.


Out of Executive Session - Motion made by Don Kerr and seconded by

Steve Greenfield that the Board return to Public Session at 7:06 PM.


Motion carried 5 - 0 with 5 members voting.


CALL TO ORDER                                                                                                                                                     CALL TO ORDER

The Public Meeting was called to order at 7:08 PM by David Dukler, Board President.


BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:                                                                                                                             QUORUM CHECK

                                                                Roderick Dressel Jr.

David Dukler

Steven Greenfield

Don Kerr

                                                                Edgar Rodriguez


ABSENT:                                               Patrick Rausch

                                                                Laura Walls



ALSO PRESENT:                 Maria Rice, Superintendent of Schools

                                                                Debora Banner, Assistant Superintendent

                                                                Richard Linden, Assistant Superintendent for Business

                                                                Connie Hayes, Director of Pupil Personnel Services

                                                                Bill Richers, Technology Coordinator

                                                                Beverly Sickler, District Clerk

                                                                Members of the Public and Press


ROLL CALL                                                                                                                                                                        ROLL CALL

The roll was called as reflected above.


AGENDA CHANGES                                                                                                                                          AGENDA CHANGES


President Dukler announced the following addendum to the agenda:                                                                                      





ADD NEW Personnel Item 12.0


12.0        Request for Approval to Create New Position – Guidance Counselor

Recommendation – that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent, does hereby create the following position:


Guidance Counselor


ADD the following names to existing Personnel Item 12.1:


12.1        Instructional Probationary Appointments

Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby appoint the following instructional employee with remuneration as per NPUT contract


Stacey D. Sands                   Guidance Counselor            Effective 8/21/08-8/20/11                     MA, Step C           $54,170

David R. Rishell                    Science (Physics)                 Effective 9/1/08-8/31/11                       MA, Step B           $55,530


ADD the following name to existing Personnel Item 12.10


12.10      Instructional Substitute Appointment

Recommendation that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby appoint the following instructional substitute for the 2008-2009 school year at a per diem rate of $80.00:


Christy Kirkpatrick                               Uncertified


ADD the following name to existing Personnel Item 12.11


12.11      Non-Instructional Resignation

Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby accept the resignation of the following non-instructional employee:


Kelly-Rose Gibbons            School Monitor                    Effective 8/14/08








ADDENDUM (continued)


ADD the following names to existing Personnel Item 12.12


12.12      Non-Instructional Appointments

Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby appoint the following:


Name                                      Title                                       Effective Date                       Salary                                    Other    

Melissa Shipe                       School Monitor                    9/2/08                                     $9.56/hr                                  5 hours/day

Marianne Moline                 Account Clerk/Typist         8/21/08                                   $33,000 (pro-rated)               per agreement

Barbara Stephenson            Teacher Aide                        7/28/08-8/15/08                     as per ESS Contract             3.75 hours/day


CHANGE items in existing Personnel Item 12.12 as follows:

Salaries for first four appointments should read “as per ESS Contract”.  Omit the per hour salary rate.                                                                                                                             

ADD the following names to existing Personnel Item 12.13


12.13      Increase Hours for Non- Instructional Positions

Recommendation – that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby increase/decrease hours for the following:

Name                                      Position                                Effective Date                       Change in Hours

Barbara D’Amore School Monitor                    9/2/08                                     5 hours to 6.5 hours per day

Barbara Agor                        School Monitor                    9/2/08                                     5.5 hours to 6.5 hours per day

Roberta  Schwarz                 School Monitor                    9/2/08                                     to 6.5 hours per day                                                                                                                            

OMIT the following appointment from existing Personnel Item 12.13

Jennifer Sutton                     School Monitor                    9/2/08                                     4.75 hours to 6.5 hours per day


ADD the following names to existing Personnel Item 12.15


12.15      Fall Coaching Appointments

Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent, does hereby appoint the following coaches for the 2008-2009 school year:


Jennifer Pottinger                                 Cheerleading Advisor                                         $500

Alexandra MacKinnon                        Modified Cross Country Girls                            $2080

Jason Bonagura                                   Football JV                                                            $2910

Jay Behrke                                             Tennis Girls Varsity                                             $3430

David Dones                                         Football Assistant                                               Unpaid




12.18      Part-Time Instructional Appointments

Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby approve the appointments of the following part-time instructional employees with remuneration as per NPUT contract:


Todd L. Martin                     Art                          Effective 9/1/08-6/30/09                       (.2) BA, Step C      $46,230 pro-rated

Judi Esmond                         Art                          Effective 9/1/08-6/30/09                       (.2) BA, Step A     $48,570 pro-rated

Leonard Vaccaro                  Technology          Effective 9/1/08-6/30/09                       (.6) MA, Step 7     $67,660 pro-rated






ADDENDUM (continued)


12.19      Instructional Leave of Absence

Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby approve an unpaid leave of absence for the following instructional employee for the 2008-2009 school year:


Meredith Hershbein                                            Effective 9/1/08-6/30/09


12.20      Instructional Leave Replacement

Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent, does hereby appoint the following instructional employee:


Paul Scarpati                         Occupational Therapist      Effective 9/1/08-6/30/09                       MA, Step B           $55,530

(Replacing Meredith Hershbein)                                                                                                      


12.21      Part-Time Instructional Appointment

Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby approve the appointment of the following part-time instructional employee, with remuneration as per NPUT contract:


Meredith Herschbein          Occupational Therapist      Effective 9/1/08-6/30/09       (.6)  MA, Step B,  $55,530 pro-rated




ADD the following information to existing New Business Item 14.1 Tax Levy

Tax levy at $30,910,000

Gardiner Library tax levy at $8,000

NOTE:  The above amount of $30,910,000 was reduced to $30,610,000 later in the meeting.


CHANGE date of Agreement in existing New Business Item 14.7 OMNI Group to read as follows:


“Plan Adoption Agreement dated August 20, 2008.”


Motion to accept the agenda as amended made by Rod Dressel and seconded by Don Kerr.


Motion carried 5 – 0 with 5 members voting.


PUBLIC COMMENTS                                                                                                                                                       PUBLIC






Ø                   STATUS OF HIGH SCHOOL GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT & MASTER SCHEDULE – Barbara Clinton provided the board with a status report on the Guidance Department, expressing gratitude for the board’s approval of a fourth Guidance Counselor and a Director of Guidance.  She commented on the status of the master schedule, stating that there are conflicts that are being resolved and those that have already been resolved.  Students and parents have been called and she expressed that the high school is in a good spot regarding student scheduling.  There are and will be glitches but things are in good condition and problems will be ironed out by the beginning of the school year.

Ø                   SUPERINTENDENT COMMENTS - Superintendent Rice reported on class size in the different buildings, indicating that we are doing well. Duzine numbers are up a little.  The Lenape third grade may need another section in order not to exceed 24 students.  Middle school figures were not available.

Ø                   Dan Torres, former student, had made a dedication request at a previous meeting.  Mrs. Rice announced that this matter has been referred to the Policy Committee as a priority.  Mr. Torres was in the audience and was assured that the matter of sponsorships will be addressed. 





Ø                   GREENWORKS LIAISON REQUEST – Mr. Dukler referenced a letter from GreenWorks Committee requesting a liaison from the district.  Theresa Fall, the chair of the committee, provided the board with some answers to their questions regarding the purpose and mission of GreenWorks.  Discussion followed regarding the need for a liaison from the board to this committee.  The purpose of the committee is to find ways to reduce the community’s carbon footprint.  It is believed that the school district generates a majority of carbon emissions in the community and therefore a collaborative effort involving the school district is seen as a good thing.  Mrs. Rice expressed a concern that other organizations could also ask for a board liaison.  This committee was formed by the Town and Village as an official entity which receives funding.  There is a high level of expertise represented by the members of this committee and it is unlike other groups that have organized for a common purpose. Mrs. Rice pointed out that this year’s calendar theme is “going green” thus putting this effort in line with what the educational process is encouraging.  Members expressed support of appointing a liaison to this committee, both a board member and a staff member.  The meetings are held on the second Monday of every month at the Gilded Otter.  Mr. Rodriguez suggested that any decision be held off until Laura Walls and Patrick Rausch are in attendance.  It was agreed that a liaison will be appointed at the next meeting.  Mrs. Rice appointed Debora Banner as the staff representative to the GreenWorks Committee.

Ø                   OPPOSITION TO NYSSBA PROPOSED RESOLUTION DISCUSSION – Patrick Rausch was not present.  Mr. Dukler reviewed past action taken by this board to have a resolution presented for action at the NYSSBA Annual Meeting in October 2008.  The NYSSBA Resolution Committee that reviewed the proposal found this district’s resolution unworkable in its current form.  Mr. Greenfield pointed out that the rebuttal provided circular reasoning and was not rational.  The question is whether or not to register disagreement to NYSSBA or accept defeat.  Mr. Dukler explained that the voting delegate to the Annual Meeting could stand up and express this district’s objection.  Lobbying other districts to support this resolution is another option.  Mr. Dressel commented that progress was made in that the resolution was included in the Voting Delegate’s Guide so that other districts are informed of New Paltz’ position.  Mr. Rodriguez encouraged that lobbying work should be done.  Further discussion took place regarding lobbying through Ulster County School Boards to get further support.

Ø                   PROPOSED NYSSBA BYLAW AMENDMENTS/RESOLUTIONS – President Dukler reviewed last year’s procedure.  Discussion took place for any items that a member disagreed with.  He suggested that this year the members review the material and come back with comments at the next meeting.  Any items that members disagree with will be noted and discussed.

Ø                   SELECTION OF NYSSBA VOTING DELEGATE & ALTERNATE – Appointment of delegates will take place at the next meeting.

Ø                   UPDATE ON DUZINE SEPTIC SYSTEM – Don Kerr reported that the Duzine septic system is complete and in operation.  He was gratified that the Facilities Committee double checked their work and did not function as a rubber stamp committee thus coming up with a superior solution to the problem.  Sloboda Brothers investigated and found a system that was not operating.  They identified the problem, did some work and essentially restored water and septic system.  Mr. Sloboda brought amazing backup material to support what they did.   The cost was higher due to unexpected work.  This is still well below the cost of a new system.  The Facilities Committee is addressing the process of payment to cover the cost of the work that was done throughout this project.  Mr. Rodriguez asked that in the future, the board look at maintenance procedures to be sure that the best and most cost effective procedures take place.

Ø                   REVIEW OF FUND BALANCE, DISCUSSION OF UNAPPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE AND TAX LEVY  Richard Linden, Assistant Superintendent, reviewed revenues and expenditures resulting in the fund balance.  The BOCES refund is not known at the time the budget is created.  Mr. Kerr expressed appreciation that this year  the board was provided with actuals in order for the board to make an informed decision regarding the tax levy.  Questions and answers followed.  Good fiscal management has resulted in funds that need to be allocated by this board.  Mr. Kerr asked that this board do just that.  Discussion continued.  Mr. Linden explained various options that the board may choose. Mr. Kerr would like to reduce the tax levy by $700,000.  Mr. Rodriguez supported Mr. Kerr’s sentiments.  Mr. Greenfield agreed that a responsible choice needs to take place on behalf of the community that provides funds for the school district.  A concern for their needs is crucial given the present economy.  There is an amount that allows a reduction in the tax levy according to Mr. Greenfield.  Mr. Dressel warned against a big refund this year at the expense of next year.  Giving back cannot be sustained each year.  Giving away too much this year will result in problems in later years.  Mr. Dressel is satisfied with the numbers as they currently exist and is not in support of reducing the tax levy in the amount suggested by Mr. Kerr since he believes it will catch up with us later.  Mr. Dukler is pessimistic about the economy vis a vis the housing market and the district’s ability to respond to the issues we can’t control.  He doesn’t want to see program impacted.   Mr. Greenfield expressed that an agreeable number is in sight and the board can come up with that figure tonight.  In summary, the taxpayers voted on a 4.88% tax levy in May.  Mr. Dukler asked which members wanted to reduce the tax levy.  Mr. Dukler wants to defer until next year.  Edgar Rodriguez, Don Kerr, Rod Dressel and Steve Greenfield agreed that a reduction is appropriate but an amount needs to be determined.  Mr. Kerr feels that doing the right thing is more important than the number.  He is willing to go down to $300,000 from his original suggestion of $700,000 reduction in the tax levy.  Mrs. Rice expressed concern over reducing the tax levy because of impact on program.  Mr. Linden believes that a reduction will result in program cuts and increased tax levy next year. The majority of the members present agreed to reduce the tax levy.  It was agreed to reduce the levy by $300,000.  Mr. Linden will recalculate that tax warrant and bring back the figures to the board for approval tonight.




Ø                   AUDIT & FINANCE COMMITTEE – Rod Dressel reported on the process of posting State Aid and the accounting rules that apply.  The committee will meet again on August 27 from 6:00 – 7 PM at which time the management letter will be received. 

Ø                   FACILITIES COMMITTEE – Don Kerr reported on the change order process.  It was decided that the major capital project threshold should be anything above $10,000. Such items should go to the Facilities Committee for approval.  Another matter that was discussed at their meeting was the establishment of the roles of the Facilities & Operations Department and the Business Office regarding projects.  The goal of the committee is to setup a process for facilities projects, to get it right, and then to repeat that process for all future projects. Rhinebeck Architects will present a preliminary report in October and a final report in November regarding their evaluation of the middle school.  Mr. Kerr reported on the progress of the scoreboard installations.  When excavation was done, they ran into a surprise in that when digging for the pillars, the holes filled up with water.  Technical support solved the problem and success was achieved in pouring the concrete for the main scoreboard.

Ø                   POLICY COMMITTEE – Edgar Rodriguez reviewed the draft minutes of the Policy Committee which were presented to the board this evening.  There are three pages of policies that require further review by the committee. Mrs. Rice recommended that the board table New Business item 14.8 to contract policy manual service with Erie 1 BOCES until the committee can discuss the Administrative Manual part of the contract. Meetings will be held every second Wednesday of the month from 5:00 – 6:30 PM in the District Office Conference Room. 





Motion made by Don Kerr and seconded by Rod Dressel

that the Board of Education approve the following:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      MINUTES



BE IT RESOLVED that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education accept the minutes                            

of the Regular Business Meeting of July 16, 2008.                                                                                                                        


Motion carried 5 - 0 with 5 members voting.






PERSONNEL (CONSENT AGENDA)                                                                                                                             PERSONNEL

Motion made by Rod Dressel and seconded by Don Kerr that the Board of

Education approve the following personnel (consent agenda) resolutions:


12.0        Request for Approval to Create New Position – Guidance Counselor

Recommendation – that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent, does hereby create the following position:


Guidance Counselor


12.1        Instructional Probationary Appointments

Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby appoint the following instructional employees with remuneration as per NPUT contract


Jennifer R. Pizzarello            Foreign Language                                Effective 9/1/08-8/31/11       MA, Step 5            $64,400

Lara A. Savelson                  Speech –Language Pathologist         Effective 9/1/08-8/31/11       MA, Step 2            $59,810

Kacie A. Fisher                     Special Education                                Effective 9/1/08-8/31/11       MA, Step B           $55,530

Stephanie A. Shoemaker     Guidance Counselor                            Effective 9/15/08-9/14/10     MA, Step 6            $66,010

Stacey D. Sands                   Guidance Counselor                            Effective 8/21/08-8/20/11     MA, Step C           $54,170

David R. Rishell                    Science (Physics)                                 Effective 9/1/08-8/31/11       MA, Step B           $55,530


12.2        Instructional Appointment – Director of Guidance

Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby appoint the following instructional employee with remuneration as per NPUT:


Kathryn M. Pines                 Director of Guidance           Effective  9/1/08                    $10,000 Annual Stipend


12.3        Instructional Leave Replacement

Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent, does hereby appoint the following instructional employee:


Heather F. Lerner                 Elementary                            Effective 9/1/08-6/30/09       BA, Step C            $46,230

(Replacing J. Bruntil)


12.4        Instructional Appointments - Mentors

Recommendation - that the New Paltz Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby appoint the following instructional employees as a mentors for the 2008/2009 school year with remuneration as per NPUT Contract:


Joanne Metzger

Robin Taliaferro

Lynda Costello

Bonne Masseo

Ann Gregory


12.5        Instructional Resignation

Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby approve the resignation of the following instructional employee:


David A. Scott                      Guidance Counselor                            Effective 7/31/08






12.6        Instructional Appointment – Additional Day

Recommendation – that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby appoint the following counselor for one additional day with remuneration as follows:


Mary Grace Renella             July 1, 2008 at a per diem rate of $270.85


12.7        Instructional Appointment – Home Tutor: Correcting Resolution

Recommendation that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby approve a resolution to correct the name of a Home Tutor appointed at the July 2, 2008 Workshop Meeting from Christine Ricci to Debra Ricci.


12.8        Tutors

Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby appoint the following instructional employees, on an as-needed basis with remuneration as per NPUT contract for the 2008-2009 school year:


District Employee                 Non-District Employee

Abramshe, Teresa                                Battaglia, Claudia                                

Belgrave, Jill                                          Black, Arlene                                                       

Bonagura, Ron                                     Ford, Steve                                                           

Burdett, Rebecca                                  Friedland, Ann Paula                          

Casey-Vinett, Susan                            Listort, Cynthia                                   

Chapman, Janet                                    Miller, John                                                          

Conrad, Kristin                                     Murphy, Maureen                                              

De Filippi, Christina                             Panman, Sandra                                   

DeLeo, Juliann                                      Ricci, Debra                                                          

Devorkin, Bruce                                   Russell, Loretta                                   

Diana, Michelle                                    Skelton, Karen                                     

Doyle, Shawn                                       Slotnick, Sam                                       

Eckenroth, Kathleen                            Staub, Elissa                                                        

Ferrante, Mary Beth                            Tenuto, Eva                                                         

Goland, Lisa                                          Toohey, Rita                                                        

Gottschalk, Charleen                           Van den Huevel, Richard                   

Grizolet-Evans, Isabelle                       Van Houten, Sarah                                              

Haas, Joe                                               Van Voorhis, Kimberly                       

Hoffer, Janice                                        Weiss, Lilah                                                         

Holbrook, Sarah                                   Woodburn, MaryBeth                       

Hoyt, Denise                                         Morabito, Kathleen                                            

Ibrahim, Ayesha                                                                                                  

Kurzban, Souad                                                                                   

                Law, Cathy                                                                                                                           

                Ligotino, Heather                                                                                                

                Mallory, Alexis                                                                                                    

                Masseo, Bonnie                                                                                                  

                Mason, Tom                                                                                                                        

                Paley, Matthew                                                                                                   










                12.8 (continued)

                Patterson, Lara                                                                                                    

                Podell, Alan                                                                                                                         

                Russolello, Antoinette                                                                                       

                Sage, Susan                                                                                                                         

                Sanchez, Denise                                                                                                  

                Schaefer, Renee                                                                                                   

                Stewart, Kathryn                                                                                                 

                Sturgis, Kim                                                                                                                         

Weiner, Barbara                                  


12.9        Instructional Appointment -CSE Meetings

Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent, does hereby appoint the following instructional employee to attend CSE Meetings effective 8/1/08- 8/31/08 with remuneration as per NPUT contract.


Elaine Thomas


12.10      Instructional Substitute Appointment

Recommendation that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby appoint the following instructional substitutes for the 2008-2009 school year:


Virginia Oberholtzer             Certified                 $100/day

Lauren Skutzka                     Certified                 $100/day

Christy Kirkpatrick               Uncertified            $80/day


12.11      Non-Instructional Resignations

Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby accept the resignations of the following non-instructional employees:


Name                                      Title                                       Effective Date

Frank Sackett                        Custodial Worker                 8/28/08

Amity Dippel                        School Monitor                    6/30/08

Kelly-Rose Gibbons            School Monitor                    8/14/08


12.12      Non-Instructional Appointments

Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby appoint the following:


Name                                      Title                                       Effective Date                       Salary                    Other    

Jennifer Sutton                     Sub. Typist                           7/1/08                                     $11.00/hr                as needed

Jennifer Sutton                     Sub. Teacher Aide               9/2/08                     as per ESS Contract                             as needed

Angela Keller                        Sub. Typist                           7/1/08                     as per ESS Contract                             as needed

Jocelyn Swift                        Sub. Typist                           7/1/08                     as per ESS Contract                             as needed

Sue Lapp                               School Bus Driver                9/2/08                     as per ESS Contract                             5.25 hrs/day

Melissa Shipe                       School Monitor                    9/2/08                     $9.56/hr                                                  5 hrs/day

Marianne Moline                 Account Clerk/Typist         8/21/08                   $33,000 (pro-rated)                               per agreement

Barbara Stephenson            Teacher Aide                        7/28/08-8/15/08     as per ESS Contract                             3.75 hours/day









12.13      Increase Hours for Non- Instructional Positions

Recommendation – that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby increase hours for the following:


Name                                      Position                                Effective Date                       Change in Hours

Mary Beth Lunati                 School Monitor                    9/2/08                                     5.5 hours to 6.5 hours per day

Barbara D’Amore School Monitor                    9/2/08                                     5 hours to 6.5 hours per day

Barbara Agor                        School Monitor                    9/2/08                                     5.5 hours to 6.5 hours per day

Roberta  Schwarz                 School Monitor                    9/2/08                                     to 6.5 hours per day                            


12.14      Non-Instructional Extended Emergency Conditional Appointments

Recommendation – that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby extend the appointment of the following non-instructional employees for an additional 20 days in anticipation of fingerprinting clearance.


Hilda Figueroa      Fern Woolsey       Jason Woolsey        Shawn Long      Aaron Fish            David Young


12.15      Coaching Appointments

Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent, does hereby appoint the following coaches for the 2008-2009 school year:


Glenn Eckert

Cross Country Boys Varsity

 $      4,631.00

Ann Gregory

Cross Country Girls Varsity

 $      4,631.00

Michael Vance

Cross Country Boys Modified

 $      2,080.00

Sam Phelps

Football Varsity Assistant

 $      3,330.00

Michael Gulitti

Football JV

 $      2,910.00

Joseph Davis

Football Varsity Assistant                                                                                                                              

 $      3,330.00

Mark Pizzarello

Football Modified

 $      2,080.00

Ron Constable

Football Modified

 $      2,080.00

Thomas Tegeler

Football Varsity

 $      5,093.00

Kieran Bell

Golf Varsity Boys

 $      3,430.00

Roger Norcross

Soccer Boys JV

 $      2,910.00

Paul Schwartzberg

Soccer Boys Modified

 $      2,080.00

Stuart Robinson

Soccer Boys Varsity

 $      3,430.00

Jeff Salt

Soccer Girls Modified

 $      2,080.00

Meridith Ventimiglia

Soccer Girls Varsity

 $      3,430.00

John Orcutt

Swimming Girls Varsity

 $      3,430.00

Heather Ligotino

Volleyball Girls JV

 $      2,910.00

Kristen Conrad

Volleyball Girls Modified

 $      2,080.00

Erin O'Sullivan

Volleyball Girls Varsity

 $      3,430.00

Nicole Vitale

Soccer Girls JV

  $     2,910.00

Jennifer Pottinger

Cheerleading Advisor

 $         500.00

Alexandra MacKinnon

Mod Cross Country Girls

 $      2,080.00

Jason Bonagura

Football JV

 $      2,910.00

Jay Behrke

Tennis Girls Varsity

 $      3,430.00

David Dones

Football Assistant



12.16      Unpaid Assistant Coaching Appointments

Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent, does hereby appoint the following unpaid assistant coaches for the 2008-2009 school year:


Jon Stern                               Soccer Assistant Coach

Jon Stern                               Cross Country Assistant Coach

Jon Stern                               Track Assistant Coach 

Melissa Gruver                     Girls Varsity Swim Assistant Coach


12.17      Summer School Instructional Appointment

Recommendation that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education upon the recommendation of Maria Rice,

Superintendent of Schools does hereby appoint, as needed, the following employee with remuneration as per NPUT Contract.


Vivian Hasbrouck                                Substitute Nurse                  Effective 7/30/08 – 08/15/08


12.18      Part-Time Instructional Appointments

Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby approve the appointments of the following part-time instructional employees with remuneration as per NPUT contract:


Todd L. Martin                     Art                          Effective 9/1/08-6/30/09                       (.2) BA, Step C      $46,230 pro-rated

Judi Esmond                         Art                          Effective 9/1/08-6/30/09                       (.2) BA, Step A     $48,570 pro-rated

Leonard Vaccaro                  Technology          Effective 9/1/08-6/30/09                       (.6) MA, Step 7     $67,660 pro-rated


12.19      Instructional Leave of Absence

Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby approve an unpaid leave of absence for the following instructional employee for the 2008-2009 school year:


Meredith Hershbein                                            Effective 9/1/08-6/30/09


12.20      Instructional Leave Replacement

Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent, does hereby appoint the following instructional employee:


Paul Scarpati                         Occupational Therapist      Effective 9/1/08-6/30/09                       MA, Step B           $55,530

(Replacing Meredith Hershbein)                                                                                                      


12.21      Part-Time Instructional Appointment

Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby approve the appointment of the following part-time instructional employee, with remuneration as per NPUT contract:


Meredith Herschbein          Occupational Therapist      Effective 9/1/08-6/30/09       (.6)  MA, Step B,  $55,530 pro-rated


MOTION carried 5 - 0 with 5 members voting.


NEW BUSINESS                                                                                                                                            NEW BUSINESS


Motion made by Don Kerr and seconded by Steve Greenfield that the Board of

Education approve the following resolution:


                                                                                                                                                                                APPROVE TAX LEVY

                                                                                                                                                                                     VOTE FAILED

14.1        Request for Approval of the Tax Levy, Acknowledgement of the Tax Rates and Issuance of the Tax Warrant

Recommendation – that the following resolution be approved:  BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the New Paltz Central School District, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby establish the 2008/2009 school property tax levy at $30,610.00, the Gardiner Library property tax levy at $8,000, acknowledge the related tax rates, and sign the attached tax warrant to be delivered to the tax collector with an effective date of ­­­­ September 9, 2008.


Motion FAILED with 3 YES (Don Kerr, Edgar Rodriguez, Steve Greenfield) to 2 NO (David Dukler, Rod Dressel) with 5 members voting.


NOTE:  Failure of resolution 14.1 to approve the Tax Levy resulted in the calling of a Special Meeting on August 27, 2008 for the sole purpose of voting again on the resolution to approve the Tax Levy, acknowledge the Tax Rates and issue the Tax Warrant.  Approval of the resolution requires a YES vote by four (4) members. 


Motion made by Rod Dressel and seconded by Don Kerr that the Board of

Education approve the following resolution:


                                                                                                                                                                CSE & CPSE PLACEMENTS


14.2        Request for Approval of Committee on Special Education Recommendations and Student Placements

Recommendation - that the following resolution be approved:  BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the following Committee on Special Education (CSE) and Committee on Pre-School Special Education (CPSE) recommendations and student placements:- 10949, 10958, 10210, 10923, 10595, 10960, 1045B, 9638, 9505, 9123, 1047B, 10596, 10802, 10892, 10880, 10932, 1022B, 8910, 10874, 8221, 8270, 9579, 10938, 9971, 9459, 9151, 9133, 9176, 9129, 10493, 10186, 10864, 10554, 10901, 1038B, 10339, 1039B, 9998, 9327, 9150, 10652, 10957, 2003B, 10947, 1052B, 10946, 1044B, 11161, 1036B, 10927, 10139: CSE placements: 8963, 132, 2565, 2573, 6994, 1688, 1304.


Motion carried 5 – 0 with 5 members voting.


Motion made by Rod Dressel and seconded by Steve Greenfield that the Board of

Education approve the following resolution:


                                                                                                                                                ACCEPT DONATION OF TOP SOIL


14.3        Request for Approval to Accept Donation of Top Soil from New Paltz Travel Soccer Club 

Recommendation – that the following resolution be approved:  BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education accept a donation to the New Paltz Central Schools of top soil from the New Paltz Travel Soccer Club.


Motion carried 5 – 0 with 5 members voting.


Motion made by Rod Dressel and seconded by Steve Greenfield that the Board of

Education approve New Business Items 14.4 and 14.5 to award Food Services Bids.


                                                                                                                                                AWARD BIDS FOR BREAD & SNACKS


14.4        Request for Approval to Award Bread Product Bid for the 2008-2009 School Year

Recommendation – that the following resolution be approved:  BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby award the Food Service Bid for bread products to Rockland Bakery, Inc. in the amount of $79,402.00.


14.5        Request for Approval to Award Snack Product Bid for the 2008-2009 School Year

Recommendation – that the following resolution be approved:  BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby award the Food Service Bids for snack products to Roberts Food in the amount of $27,535.40 and Ginsberg Inc. in the amount of $17,220.89.


Motion carried 5 – 0 with 5 members voting.











Motion made by Don Kerr and seconded by Rod Dressel that the Board of

Education approve the following resolution:


                                                                                                                         RELEASE & SETTLEMENT STUDENT NO. 1805


14.6        Request for Approval of Release & Settlement Agreement for Student No. 1805

Recommendation – that the following resolution be approved:  BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education does hereby approve the terms of a Release and Settlement Agreement involving Student Number 1805; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Superintendent of Schools is hereby authorized to execute such Release and Settlement Agreement on behalf of the District. 


Motion carried 5 – 0 with 5 members voting.


Motion made by Steve Greenfield and seconded by Rod Dressel that the Board of

Education approve the following resolution:


                                                                                                                                   OMNI GROUP 3RD PARTY ADMINISTRATOR


14.7        Request for Approval to Authorize OMNI Group, Inc to Serve as Third Party Administrator

Recommendation – that the following resolution be approved: 


BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education hereby authorizes the OMNI Group, Inc. to serve as the District’s third-party administrator pursuant to the District’s Section 403(b) Internal Revenue Code Retirement Basic Plan document and Adoption Agreement: and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Superintendent of Schools is hereby authorized to sign or have signed the OMNI Group, Inc. Model Section 403(b) Plan Adoption Agreement dated August 20, 2008.


Motion carried 5 – 0 with 5 members voting.


Members agreed to table the following resolution until the Policy Committee meets to discuss the direction that the district wants to take regarding the creation of an Administrative Manual to go along with the newly approved Policy Manual.


                                                                                                                                        POLICY MANUAL AGREEMENT TABLED


14.8        Request for Approval of Agreement with Erie 1 BOCES for the Maintenance of the Policy Manual

Recommendation – that the following resolution be approved: 

BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education hereby approves a cross-contract for Level 1 policy manual services with the Erie 1 BOCES in the amount of $595/year.


OTHER DISCUSSION                                                                                                                                       OTHER DISCUSSION


Steve Greenfield – Demographic Study for Crossroads Project


PUBLIC COMMENTS                                                                                                                                                       PUBLIC











ADJOURN                                                                                                                                                                            ADJOURN


Motion made by Steve Greenfield and seconded by Don Kerr that the Board

adjourn at 10:15 PM.


Motion carried 5 - 0 with 5 members voting.




Respectfully submitted,





Beverly J. Sickler

District Clerk