Minutes – Organizational Meeting – New Paltz Board of Education – District Office Conference Room
July 2, 2008 – 7:00 PM (6:00 PM Executive Session)
Followed immediately by Regular Workshop Meeting

CALL MEETING TO ORDER                                                                                                                                 CALL TO ORDER

Meeting was called to order at 6:11 PM by Maria C. Rice, Clerk Pro Tempore for this portion of the meeting.

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:                                                                                                                              QUORUM CHECK
                                                                Roderick Dressel Jr.
David Dukler
Steven Greenfield
Don Kerr
Patrick Rausch
                                                                Edgar Rodriguez
                                                                Laura Walls                                                          
ALSO PRESENT:                 Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools
                                                                George Bartalski, Community Member of Audit Committee
                                                                Mike Swigart, Former Board Member & Member of Audit Committee

The roll was called as reflected above.

EXECUTIVE SESSION                                                                                                                                                      EXECUTIVE
Motion made by Patrick Rausch and seconded by Don Kerr that the Board of                                                     SESSION
Education move into Executive Session at 6:11 PM for the purpose or reviewing
the employment history of particular individuals.

Motion carried 7 - 0 with 7 members voting.

Out of Executive Session - Motion made by David Dukler and seconded by
Don Kerr that the Board return to Public Session at 7:12 PM.

Motion carried 7 - 0 with 7 members voting.

CALL TO ORDER                                                                                                                                                     CALL TO ORDER
The Public Meeting was called to order at 7:15 PM by Beverly Sickler, District Clerk.

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:                                                                                                                             QUORUM CHECK
                                                                Roderick Dressel Jr.
David Dukler
Steven Greenfield
Don Kerr
Patrick Rausch
                                                                Edgar Rodriguez
                                                                Laura Walls

ALSO PRESENT:                 Maria Rice, Superintendent of Schools

                                                                Debora Banner, Assistant Superintendent

                                                                Connie Hayes, Director of Pupil Personnel Services
                                                                Beverly Sickler, District Clerk
                                                                Members of the Public and Press
The roll was called as reflected above.



Ms. Sickler announced the following Addendum to the Organizational Meeting Agenda and the Regular Workshop Meeting Agenda:

Organizational Meeting

Page 4 item f. Appointment of HAC Members – Remove Jeff Kassouf, Student Member and correct spelling of last name of Jim O’Dowd, Community Member.

(Note:  Addendum to the Regular Meeting which followed is included in minutes of that meeting.)

Motion made by Laura Walls and seconded by David Dukler that the board approve the agendas as amended.

Motion carried 7 – 0 with 7 members voting.  Upon the advice of Superintendent Rice, the vote was taken again to exclude Patrick Rausch and Steven Greenfield who had not yet taken their oath of office.

Motion to amend agendas carried 5 – 0 with 5 members voting. 


a.)  Administration of Oath to New Board Members
Beverly Sickler, District Clerk, administered the oath of office to the newly elected members of the Board of Education as follows:
                Steven Greenfield
                Patrick Rausch

b.)   Election of President (Ed. Law 1701, 2504, 2563)

Ms. Sickler called for nominations from the Board members for the office of President of the New Paltz Central School District Board of Education for the fiscal 2008-2009 school year. 

Don Kerr nominated David Dukler.

Members voted unanimously to appoint David Dukler as Board President for the 2008-2009 School Year.

c.)  Administration of Oath to New Board President (Ed. Law 1701, 2504, 2563)
                The District Clerk administered the Oath of Office to the newly elected Board President David Dukler.

d.)   Election of Vice President (Ed. Law 1701, 2504, 2563)

Board President David Dukler asked for nominations for the office of Vice President of the New Paltz Central School District Board of Education for the fiscal 2008-2009 school year.

Edgar Rodriguez nominated Laura Walls.  Roderick Dressel nominated Patrick Rausch.

President Dukler asked the board to vote on the nomination of Laura Walls for Vice President.  Members voted 5 YES (Edgar Rodriguez, Don Kerr, Laura Walls, Steve Greenfield, David Dukler) to appoint Ms. Walls.  Having received a majority of the votes Ms. Walls was appointed Vice President.

e.)  Administration of Oath to New Board Vice President (Ed. Law 1701, 2504, 2563)      
District Clerk Beverly Sickler administered the Oath of Office to the newly elected Board Vice President Laura Walls.

f.)  Clerk of the Board of Education (Ed. Law 2114, Commissioner’s Regulations 1702)

Laura Walls moved that Beverly Sickler be appointed as District Clerk of the Board of Education for the 2008-2009 school year through the Organizational Meeting of the Board of Education, July 2009. 

Patrick Rausch seconded the motion.

Motion carried 7 - 0 with 7 members voting.

g.)  Administration of the Oath to Newly Appointed Clerk of the Board of Education

Board President David Dukler administered the Oath of Office to the newly appointed District Clerk Beverly Sickler.

Motion made by Don Kerr and seconded by Roderick Dressel that the Board of Education approve the following Board Appointments:

h.)  Board Appointments

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education appoint each of the individuals listed below to the designated Board appointments through the Organizational Meeting of the Board of Education, July 2009:

Motion carried 7 – 0 with 7 members voting.

Motion made by Laura Walls and seconded by Roderick Dressel to approve the following Board Designations and Indemnification of School District Officers and Employees (Items i - j):

i.)  Board Designations

                Official Bank Depositories

  BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education designate the following banks as the School District’s         
  official bank depositories:

Official Newspapers

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education adopt the newspapers listed below as the official newspapers of the New Paltz Central School District for fiscal 2008-2009.

New Paltz Times

j.)  Indemnification Under Section 18 Public Officer’s Law

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board hereby adopts the provisions of Public Officers Law Section 18 for the defense and indemnification of School District officers and employees.

Motion carried 7 - 0 with 7 members voting.

Motion made by Roderick Dressel and seconded by Don Kerr that the Board approve the following Committee Designations & Appointments (Items a – d):

a.)  Committee on Special Education

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorize the following membership:

Coordinators of Special Education

Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services
School Psychologists        
Assistant Principals

b.)  Committee on Pre-School Education

                BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorize the following membership:

Coordinator of Special Education, PK-5

Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services
School Psychologists
Coordinator of Special Education, 6-8

c.)  Sub-Committee on Special Education

Coordinators of Special Education

Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services
School Psychologists        

d.)  Parent Member List

Kathy Ambrosini

Dell Bleekman

Susan Bleekman

Renee Brenner

Miranda Cangieter-Dixon

Judy Cohen

Nancy Connors

Kim Dinelle

Jeanine Donato-Stoddard

Louise Donato

Christine Donohue

Debra Fialkow

Ann Fowler

Tracy Grant

Richard Heyl de Ortiz

Debra Hoskins

Francesca LaSalle

Theresa Logan

Anthony LoSecco

Maria Mach

Stacy Maddalena

Diane Magnani

Mary Morrison

Nancy Owen

Lisa Palmeri

Patti Perez

Ruth Quinn

Nancy Reeder

Janet Salt

Karen Scaduto

Julie Seger

Nora Strano

Diane Strongin

Maggie Veve

Tanya Yuro-Clark

Motion carried 7 – 0 with 7 members voting.

Motion made by don Kerr and seconded by Roderick Dressel to approve the following Committee Designations and Appointments (Items e - f):

e.)  Health Advisory Committee (HAC)

RESOLVED that the Board of Education reauthorizes the continuation of the Health Advisory Committee (HAC)
                through the Organizational Meeting of July 2009.

f.)  Appointment of HAC Members
                Central Administrator                          Connie Hayes                                       6/30/09
                Student                                                  Ben Ramic                                             6/30/09
                Student                                                  Alana Badgley                                      6/30/09
                Teacher (HS)                                         Mary Kay Fiore                                    6/30/09
                Teacher (MS)                                        John Thompson                                   6/30/09
                Teacher (Lenape)                                 Susanne Wirth                                     6/30/10
                Teacher (Duzine)                                  Joy VanVlack Weis                              6/30/09
                Building Administrator                       Richard Wiesenthal                             6/30/09
                Building Administrator                       Stephanie Giammatteo                         6/30/10
                School Safety Personnel                     Michael O’Rourke                                6/30/09
                School Safety Personnel                     Lenora Koffman                                   6/30/10
School Safety Personnel                     Lynn Orcutt                                          6/30/10
                Board of Education                              Don Kerr                                                6/30/09
                Parent                                                     Mathew Swerdloff                               6/30/10
                Parent                                                     Jesse Sarrubbi                                      6/30/09
                Community Safety Personnel             Wendy Baur                                         6/30/10
                Community Safety Personnel             Terence Ward                                       6/30/09
                State/County Agency                         OPEN                                                     6/30/09
                Community                                            Jim O’Dowd                                          6/30/10
                Community                                            Margaret Human                                  6/30/09
Private School                                      J. Henreich Arnold                               6/30/09
District Health Coordinator                Antonia Woody                                   Mandatory
                Facilities & Operations                       Stephen Callahan                                 Mandatory
                Transportation                                     Maureen Ryan                                      Mandatory
                Police Department                                Chief/Designee                                     Mandatory

Motion carried 7 – 0 with 7 members voting.

Motion made by Don Kerr and seconded by Roderick Dressel that the Board approve the Impartial Hearing Officer Rotational List (Item g):

g.)  Impartial Hearing Officers

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education shall adopt the most recent rotational list of impartial hearing officers established by the State Education Department, including any updates made by the Department during the school year.  The District shall utilize the most recent rotational list in making all impartial hearing officer appointments.  Compensation will be made the maximum hourly rate approved by the State Education Department pursuant to section 4404(1) of the Education Law.

Motion carried 7 – 0 with 7 members voting.

Motion made by Roderick Dressel and seconded by Don Kerr that the Board approve the following Authorizations ( Items a – k):

6.             AUTHORIZATIONS

a.)  Certification of Payrolls

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorize the Superintendent of Schools or the Assistant Superintendent for Business to certify the official payrolls of all certified and classified personnel.
b.)  Authorization to Establish Petty Cash Funds

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the establishment of the following petty cash funds:

c.)  Designation of Authorized Signatures on Checks

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the facsimile signature of the School District Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer to be the authorized signature to appear on checks drawn on the New Paltz Central School District account.

d.)  Mileage Allowance

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorize remunerative allowance, as per Internal Revenue Service mileage rates, to staff members who use their personal vehicle for school business with authorization of the Superintendent of Schools or the Assistant Superintendents.

e.)  Transfer of Funds

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorize the Superintendent of Schools to make budget transfers during the 2008-2009 fiscal year.  Such authorization would include responsibility that the Superintendent of Schools make full disclosure of all transfers at the next regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting.  All transfers will be made in accordance with Education Law and Board policy.  The limit of any such transfers shall be 0.2% of the budget ($96,386).

f.)  Signature for National School Food Services Program

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorize the Supervisor of Food Services, Assistant Superintendent for Business, District Treasurer, and the Superintendent of Schools as the official signature for the renewal and monthly reports for participation in the National School Food Services Program, and that they be authorized to sign all forms relevant to any federal funds related to the school food services program.

g.)  Bonding of Personnel (Ed. Law 2122, 2124, 2327)

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education bond the District Treasurer, District Deputy Treasurer, Claims Auditor, Assistant Superintendent for Business and the Superintendent of Schools each in the amount of $1,000,000.

h.)  Request for Approval to Reimburse Fee for Fingerprinting

BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education authorizes the reimbursement for fingerprinting costs to all part-time or substitute employees who earn less than $10.00 per hour, provided they have worked at least 30 days for the New Paltz Central School District.

i.)  List of Affiliate Organizations

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the following as affiliate organizations as per Board policy.

j.)  Request for Approval to Sell/Dispose of Surplus Property
BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education authorize the Assistant Superintendent for Business to declare as surplus and dispose of school district property which is unusable or has a value of less than $500.

k.)  Request to Establish the Capitalization and Depreciation Threshold for Fixed Assets

BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education does hereby establish $5,000 as the threshold for reporting the capitalization and depreciation of fixed assets in accordance with GASB-34 regulations.

Motion carried 7 – 0 with 7 members voting.

Motion made by Don Kerr and seconded by Roderick Dressel that the Board approve the following Rates (Items a - d):

7.             RATES  

a.)  Rates of Pay for Substitutes and Other Personnel

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education adopt the following rates of pay for the following positions for the 2008-2009 school year:

$100.00 per day for certified substitute teacher,
$80.00 per day for uncertified substitute teacher,
$100.00 per day for substitute nurse (Registered Nurse – RS) (Licensed Practical Nurse – LPN)
$60.00 per day for certified substitute teaching assistant,
$50.00 per day for uncertified substitute teaching assistant,
$25.00 per hour for all summer school substitute teachers,
$11.00 per hour for substitute clerical worker,
$12.50 per hour for substitute District Officer clerical worker,
$11.00per hour for substitute custodial worker,
$14.00 per hour maintenance worker
$9.75 per hour for substitute teacher aide,
$9.75 per hour for substitute school bus attendant,
$8.75 per hour for substitute school building monitor,
$9.50 per hour for substitute food service helper,
$10.50 per hour for substitute school lunch cashier,
$11.50 per hour for substitute cook manager
$12.00 per hour for substitute library clerk
$19.00 per hour for substitute bus driver
$20.00 permanent substitute bus driver
$14.00 substitute mechanic
$10.00 per hour for summer facilities & operations worker

$10.00 per hour for election inspectors
$200 per election for election custodian

$20.00 per hour for Technology Assistant, Level III
$10.00 per hour for AV Technician Assistant (high school student)
$20.00 per hour for board meeting AV Technician

$54.00 per event for football head downs & chains
$30.00 per event for announcer
$40.00 per event for Scoreboard Operator
$30.00 per event for Assistant Ticket Taker
$30.00 per event for Parking Lot Attendants
$30.00 per event for Chaperones
$30.00 per event for Score Keepers
$30.00 per event for 30 Second Clock Operator
$54.00 per event for Head Down/Chains
$50.00 per event for Emergency Medical Technician

$8,000 per year Substitute Caller
$7.25 per hour for Student Youth Worker
$40.00 per hour for Interpreter
$15.00 per hour for Claims Auditor
b.)  Building Facilities Labor/Use Fees

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education adopt the following building facilities labor/use fees for the 2008-2009 fiscal year as per Board policy.

                                Regular Time - $30.00 per hour
                                Overtime (time and a half) - $45.00 per hour
                                Sundays & Holidays - $60.00 per hour
                                Auditorium Lights & Sound (student) - $15.00 per hour
                                Auditorium Lights & Sound $30.00 per hour

c.)  Records Access Copying Fee

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education establish the records access copying fee at $ .25 per copy as per Board policy.

d.)  Food Service Prices

                BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education set the prices for the following:
                                Elementary school breakfast                              $1.10
                                Secondary school breakfast                               $1.25
                                Elementary school lunch                                    $2.00
                                Secondary school lunch                                     $2.25
                                Adult lunch                                                        $4.00 inc. tax
                                Milk                                                                  $.45

Motion carried 6 YES – 1 ABSTAIN (Steven Greenfield).


Motion made by Steve Greenfield and seconded by Patrick Rausch that the Board of Education adjourn the Organizational Meeting and move into the Regular Workshop Meeting at 7:30 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Beverly J. Sickler
District Clerk