Minutes – Business Meeting – Board of Education – New Paltz Central High School – October 7, 2009 – 7:00 PM

CALL MEETING TO ORDER                                                                                                                                 CALL TO ORDER
Meeting was called to order at 6:31 PM by David Dukler, Board President.

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:                                                                                                                              QUORUM CHECK
David Dukler
Kathleen Tobin Flusser
Steven Greenfield
Donald Kerr
Patrick Rausch
Edgar Rodriguez (arrived 6:34 PM)
Daniel Torres

ALSO PRESENT:                 Maria Rice, Superintendent of Schools

The roll was called as reflected above.

EXECUTIVE SESSION                                                                                                                                                      EXECUTIVE
Motion made by Steven Greenfield and seconded by Daniel Torres that the Board of                                            SESSION                      
Education move into Executive Session at 6:32 PM for the purpose of discussing the employment
history of a particular individual.

Motion carried 6 - 0 with 6 members voting.

Out of Executive Session - Motion made by Steven Greenfield and seconded by
Donald Kerr that the Board return to Public Session at 7:01 PM.

Motion carried 7 - 0 with 7 members voting.

CALL TO ORDER                                                                                                                                                     CALL TO ORDER
The Public Meeting was called to order at 7:09 PM by David Dukler, Board President.

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:                                                                                                                             QUORUM CHECK
David Dukler
Kathleen Tobin Flusser
Steven Greenfield
Donald Kerr
Patrick Rausch
Edgar Rodriguez
Daniel Torres
ALSO PRESENT:                 Maria Rice, Superintendent of Schools

                                                                Debora Banner, Assistant Superintendent

                                                                Richard Linden, Assistant Superintendent for Business
                                                                Connie Hayes, Assistant Superintendent for Pupil Personnel Services
                                                                Barbara Clinton, Principal, New Paltz Central High School
                                                                Antonia Woody, Athletic Director
                                                                Bill Richers, Director of Information & Communications Technology
                                                                Beverly Sickler, District Clerk
                                                                Naomi Kleinsasser, Student Representative


ROLL CALL                                                                                                                                                                        ROLL CALL
The roll was called as reflected above.


AGENDA CHANGES                                                                                                                                                          AGENDA
President Dukler presented the following Addendum to the Agenda.




ADD Personnel Items:

7.11        Memorandum of Agreement Between District and NPUT
Recommendation – that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education approve the following resolution:

BE IT RESOLVED that the Board hereby approves a Memorandum of Agreement between the District, NPUT, and Thomas Mason as executed by the Superintendent of Schools on the 7th day of October 2009, as presented to the Board at this meeting.  A copy of said Memorandum of Agreement shall be incorporated by reference within the minutes of this meeting.

7.12        Instructional Resignation – Purpose of Retirement
Recommendation – that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education approve the following resolution:

BE IT RESOLVED that the Board hereby accepts the letter of resignation for the purpose of retirement of art teacher Thomas Mason, as presented to the Board at this meeting, effective close of business on December 31, 2009.


Motion made by Daniel Torres and seconded by Kathleen Tobin Flusser that the Board of
Education accept the Agenda as amended by the Addendum.

Motion carried 7 – 0 with 7 members voting.

PUBLIC COMMENTS                                                                                                                                                       PUBLIC
Glen Geher – Homework
Eric Watson – Homework
Favio DeNissi – Homework
Jennifer Zabrowski – Homework

Superintendent Rice spoke to the issue of homework.  She reviewed the history of the district’s homework policy and then spoke of the educational goals that the district wants to achieve as we move into the 21st century. She stated that homework must connect, be purposeful and learning must be the reason.  Homework should not be make work or busy work and not time mandated.  It is important to develop study skills and discipline without creating stress for children.  Parents have the prerogative and should make the decision about how much homework is appropriate for their children.  Teachers should assign work that is engaging, purposeful and focused on learning.  Not all parents agree on this matter with some feeling that homework has created a stressful situation for their children.  In the end, parents have the power to determine what is best at the elementary level.

Edgar Rodriguez announced the Multi Cultural Conference on November 13th at SUNY New Paltz.

Superintendent Rice reported that the New Paltz Marching Band led the way over the Walkway and did a phenomenal job.

Naomi Kleinsasser, the new Student Representative, was introduced to the Board of Education.


  1. EXTERNAL AUDIT REPORT – Andrew J. Arias - Cooper, Niemann & Co., LLP


Patrick Rausch introduced Andrew Arias from Cooper, Niemann & Co., the accounting firm which conducted the external audit for 2008/2009 fiscal year.

Mr. Arias explained the audit process, stating that the main objective is the audit of the district’s financial statements relying on internal controls to be sure the district is in compliance with laws and regulations.  He stated that it was a good clean audit with few adjusting journal entries being required.

Motion made by Patrick Rausch and seconded by Donald Kerr that the Board of
Education approve the following resolution:

                                                                                                                           ACCEPT EXTERNAL 2008-2009 AUDIT REPORT

5.1          Request for Approval to Accept the External Audit Report for the 2008-2009 Fiscal Year

BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education accept the 2008-2009 External Audit Report as presented by the accounting firm of Cooper, Niemann & Co., LLP, Certified Public Accountants.

Motion carried 7 – 0 with 7 members voting.



Superintendent Rice asked the question of why we need to do more than just repair the middle school.  Why is new space and renovated space important to our educational program?  To answer these questions Mrs. Rice introduced a team of teachers from the middle school.  Each teacher spoke to a specific aspect of the proposed plan and how it will enhance learning for students. The teachers present were Mary Holmes, Mary Beth Ferrante, Terry Ritter, Barbara Weiner, Susanna O’Brien and Charles Seymour. 

Questions and answers followed.



New Student Representative Naomi Kleinsasser thanked the board for all their work in making the new school year begin smoothly.  She reported on upcoming sports events and activities at the high school.


  1. BUDGET PHILOSOPHY AND PLANNING – Assistant Superintendent Richard Linden outlined various budget philosophies that exist along with the options that follow. He asked that the board decide what philosophy they would like the superintendent to use in creating future budgets.  President Dukler asked what direction the members would like to go at this point.  Discussion followed with members offering a variety of suggestions on how to proceed such as picking an option from Mr. Linden’s list, holding a Public Hearing and putting Mr. Linden’s memo on the website for the community to review.  It was agreed that Superintendent Rice will create an introduction to the document and adjust the document for clarification purposes to maximize public understanding of the considerations guiding the budget process. Mr. Rodriguez suggested that the topic of debt service needs to be addressed.

Out of a total of 19 proposed resolutions from New York State School Boards Association, members discussed five resolutions with which they had disagreements and concerns.  These resolutions are numbers 1, 2, 9, 15 and 16.  Each of the resolutions was discussed and a straw poll taken as follows:

Resolution 1 – NYSSBA recommends.  Members unanimously oppose.

Resolution 2 – NYSSBA recommends.  Members oppose with a vote of 2 YES (Patrick Rausch, David Dukler) to5 NO.

Resolution 9 – NYSSBA recommends.  Members oppose with a vote of 2 YES (Patrick Rausch, David Dukler) to 5 NO.

Resolution 15 – NYSSBA opposes.  Members unanimously support resolution.

Resolution 16 – NYSSBA opposes.  Members unanimously support resolution.

Motion made by Donald Kerr and seconded by Daniel Torres
that the Board of Education approve the following resolution:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        MINUTES
9/16/09, 9/18/09

BE IT RESOLVED that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education accept the minutes of the
Regular Workshop Meeting of September 16, 2009 and the Special Meeting of September 18, 2009.
Motion carried 7 - 0 with 7 members voting.


PERSONNEL (CONSENT AGENDA)                                                                                                                             PERSONNEL
Motion made by Donald Kerr and seconded by Daniel Torres that the Board of
Education approve the following personnel consent agenda:

7.1          Request for Approval to Execute Addendum Agreement to Superintendent’s Contract
Recommendation – that the Board of Education approve the following resolution:

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby authorizes its President to execute an Addendum Agreement, dated October 7, 2009, to the Superintendent’s Contract, extending the Superintendent’s employment through July 1, 2014 and establishing the Superintendent’s annual salary for the period from July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010 at $192,870.  A copy of such Addendum Agreement shall be incorporated by reference within the minutes of this meeting.

7.2          Instructional Appointment - Substitutes
Recommendation that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent, does hereby appoint the following substitute teachers with remuneration as per rates established at the July 1, 2009 Organizational Meeting:

Melinda Benanti

effective 9/30/09 – 6/30/10

Kenneth N. Brooker III

effective 9/30/09 – 6/30/10

Mary Ann Carpenter

effective 9/24/09 – 6/30/10

Rachel Leigh Chase

effective 9/30/09 – 6/30/10

Rachael Dragula

effective 9/30/09 – 6/30/10

Corey Feldman

effective 9/30/09 – 6/30/10

Gail Freedman

effective 9/30/09 – 6/30/10

Alana Kaufman-Berson

effective 9/30/09 – 6/30/10

Amy Korol

effective 9/30/09 – 6/30/10

Melissa Milano 

effective 10/23/09 – 6/30/10

Barbara Perkins

effective 9/30/09 – 6/30/10

Amber Scanlan

effective 9/30/09 – 6/30/10

Kathleen Shannahan

effective 9/30/09 – 6/30/10

Kelsey Lyn Swanson

effective 9/30/09 – 6/30/10

Robin Van Keuren

effective 9/30/09 – 6/30/10

Kristen Vasta

effective 9/30/09 – 6/30/10


7.3          Instructional Substitute Appointments - Certified
Recommendation that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent, does hereby appoint the following certified substitute teachers at a per diem rate of $100:

Melissa Bernardini

effective 9/30/09 – 6/30/10

Sara Davidson

effective 9/30/09 – 6/30/10

Judi Esmond

effective 10/1/09 – 6/30/10

Laura Rose Gertler

effective 9/30/09 – 6/30/10

7.4          Instructional Appointment - Mentors
Recommendation - that the New Paltz Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby appoint the following instructional employees as mentors for the 2009/2010 school year with remuneration, as per NPUT contract:

Robin Taliaferro (co-mentor)
Joy Ward (co-mentor)
Jim Gill
Susan McNaughton
Lisa Hasbrouck (co-mentor)
Candice Cramer (co-mentor)
Kieren Bell

7.5          Instructional Resignation
Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby approve the resignation of the following instructional employee:

Isabelle Grizolet-Evans                        Teaching Assistant                             Effective September 30, 2009

7.6          Advisorships
Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby appoint the following instructional employees to the following advisorships for the 2009/2010 school year, with remuneration as per NPUT contract:

High School
AIDS Awareness                                 Lenora Koffman                  
All County Band                                  Ralph Schroer                                      
All County Choir                                  Linda Eckert                                         
Amnesty International                        Alexandra MacKinnon, Co-Advisor
                                                                Jennifer Piccione, Co-Advisor
Book Club                                             Michelle Diana
Play/Drama Club                                  Nancy Owen
Environmental Club                             Cathy Law
French Club                                          Renee (Schaefer) Salamone                               
Freshman Class                                    Souad Kurzban, Co-Advisor
                                                                Antoinette Russolello, Co-Advisor
Gay/Straight Alliance                          Lisa St. John                        
Newspaper (Maroon)                          Joel Neden                           
International Club                                Joseph Dolan, Co-Advisor
                                                                Kathleen Nugent, Co-Advisor
International Foods (Cooking)          Beth Lazzaro
Italian Club                                            Giovanna DeFilippi
Japanese Club                                      Alexis Mallory
Junior Class                                          Linda Sutton                                        
Literary Magazine                                Michelle Diana                    
Marching Band                                    Ralph Schrorer                                     
Math Club                                             Kathryn Stewart
Mock Trial                                             Albert Cook
Model United Nations                        James Coleman
Honor Society                                      William DeFino, Co-Advisor
                                                                Stephanie Costello, Co-Advisor                       
Open Studio in Art                              Mary Rappleyea
Peer Leadership                                    Lenora Koffman, Co-Advisor
                                                                Joel Neden, Co-Advisor
Peer Mediation                                     Mary Rappleyea, Co-Advisor
                                                                Lenora Koffman, Co-Advisor           
SADD                                                    Thomas Tegeler
Science Olympiad                                Chad Foti
Senior Class                                          Bonne Masseo                    
Snow Club                                             Chad Foti, Co-Advisor
Marc Knittel, Co-Advisor
Sophomore Class                                 Michelle Diana                    
Spanish Club                                        Mary Fisher
Musical  (Spring)                                  Nancy Owen
Student Government                           Stephanie Costello              
Technology Club                                 James Tracy, Co-Advisor
                                                                Jennifer Cone, Co-Advisor
Ultimate Frisbee                                   Kurt Ulrich
Vocal Ensemble                                    Linda Eckert
Yearbook                                               Sue Sherburne, Co-Advisor
                                                                Kathleen Nugent, Co-Advisor          
Cheerleading                                         Jennifer Pottinger

Middle School
Student Council                                   Jessica Grey
Newspaper (Mirror)                             Sue Pereira
Reflections                                            Randi Rosen                        
Yearbook                                               Jill Belgrave
Art Club                                                 Kim Sturgis
Rock N Soul (Jazz Band)                     Charles Seymour
All County Band                                  Charles Seymour
Geography Bee                                     Trina Naclerio, Co-Advisor
Geography Bee                                     Jen Bruntil, Co-Advisor
Science Olympiad                                Mark Pizzarello
Drama Club                                           Mary Holmes
All-County Chorus                              Linda Eckert

7.7          Non-Instructional Appointments
Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby appoint the following non-instructional employees:

Name                                      Title                                                       Effective Date                       Salary                    Hours    
Nina Hein                              Substitute School Monitor                 9/24/2009                               $9.00/hr                  as needed
Nina Hein                              Substitute Teacher Aide                     9/24/2009                               $10.00/hr                as needed
Nina Hein                              Substitute Clerical                                9/24/2009                               $12.00/hr                as needed
Maria Meoli                          Substitute School Nurse                     9/17/2009                               $100/day                as needed
Suzette Yenzer                      Permanent Substitute School             10/8/2009                               $22.20/hr                4 hrs per day
Lamont VanWezemaal         Permanent Substitute School             10/8/2009                               $22.20/hr                4 hrs per day
Joseph B. Winne Jr              Facilities & Operations Worker         10/13/2009                             $41,090/yr              as per contract


7.8          Non-Instructional Leave of Absence
Recommendation – that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby approve an unpaid leave of absence for the following non-instructional employee:

Clarissa Blue                         Food Service Helper                            Effective 9/8/2009 – 9/28/2009

7.9          Coaching Appointments
Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent, does hereby appoint the following coaches for the 2009-2010 school year:

Name                      Position                                                 Stipend
Kerri Hirsch           Co –coach JV Girls Basketball           $1515.00
Nicole Vitale          Co-coach JV Girls Basketball             $1515.00
Kerri Hirsch           Varsity Girls Lacrosse                         $3570.00
Salvatore Rosa     Varsity Girls Basketball                       $4330.00

7.10        Home Tutors
Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby appoint the following instructional employees, on an as-needed basis with remuneration as per NPUT contract effective for the 2009-2010 school year:

Kathleen Morabito
Rita Toohey                                         

7.11        Memorandum of Agreement between District and NPUT
Recommendation – that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education approve the following resolution:

BE IT RESOLVED that the Board hereby approves a Memorandum of Agreement between the District, NPUT, and Thomas Mason as executed by the Superintendent of Schools on the 7th day of October 2009, as presented to the Board at this meeting.  A copy of said Memorandum of Agreement shall be incorporated by reference within the minutes of this meeting.

7.12        Instructional Resignation – Purpose of Retirement
Recommendation – that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education approve the following resolution:

BE IT RESOLVED that the Board hereby accepts the letter of resignation for the purpose of retirement of art teacher Thomas Mason, as presented to the Board at this meeting, effective close of business on December 31, 2009.

MOTION carried 7 - 0 with 7 members voting.

OLD BUSINESS                                                                                                                                            OLD BUSINESS

NEW BUSINESS CONSENT AGENDA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                NEW BUSINESS

Motion made by Donald Kerr and seconded by Daniel Torres that the Board of
Education approve New Business Consent Agenda items 9.1 through 9.3 as follows:

9.1          Request for Approval of Committee on Special Education Recommendations and Student Placements
Recommendation - that the following resolution be approved:  BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the following Committee on Special Education (CSE) and Committee on Pre-School Special Education (CPSE) recommendations and student placements: 009421, 2011B, 132, 10511, 11328, 8287, 12968, 11515, 9301, 9968, 1677, 9995, 8870, 9458, 10811, 8036, 9531, 11507, 10933, 11522, 11256, 11495, 11337, 10096, 12005, 10751, 11514, 10381, 11522, 11494.


9.2          Request for Approval to Appoint Community Members to the Audit Committee
Recommendation – that the following resolution be approved:  BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approve the appointment of the following community members to the Audit Committee:

Kristen Cash-Holland          Effective 10/8/09 – 6/30/10
Stephen Bagley                    Effective 10/8/09 – 6/30/11

9.3          Request for Approval to Appoint Construction Management Firm for the Middle School Building Project
Recommendation - that the following resolution be approved:  BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the New
Paltz Central School District appoint The Palombo Group as the Construction Management Firm for the Middle School Building Project.

Motion to approve New Business Consent Agenda Items 9.1 – 9.3 carried 7 - 0 with 7 members voting.

Motion made by Donald Kerr and seconded by Daniel Torres that the Board of
Education approve the following resolution:

9.4          Request for Approval to Repeal Policy 7313 Suspension of Students
Recommendation – that the following resolution be approved:  BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the New Paltz Central School District does hereby repeal Policy 7313 Suspension of Students.

Discussion followed.

Motion carried 7 – 0 with 7 members voting.

Members briefly discussed the following first readings.  The only change was to Item 9.8 Policy 5572 Audit Committee as highlighted below.


9.5          First Reading of Revisions to Policy 8470 Home Schooled Students


            From time to time, parents will choose to instruct their children at home. Although New York State law does not recognize home schools as private elementary or secondary schools, the School District will attempt to cooperate with parents who wish to provide home schooling for their children realizing that the child who is educated at home should receive an education in a manner consistent with an educational plan and at least substantially equivalent to that given to students of like age and attainments in the local public schools. The required subjects should be taught in a competent, systematic, and sequential manner, specifically in relation to the required courses as enumerated in Commissioner's Regulation Section 100.10.

            Primary responsibility for determining compliance with Commissioner's Regulations addressing home instruction rests with the Superintendent of Schools of the school district in which a home-instructed student resides.

Provision of Services to Home Schooled Students

            Students instructed at home are not awarded a high school diploma. A high school diploma may only be awarded to a student enrolled in a registered secondary school who has completed all program requirements set by the Board of Regents, the school or the District.

a)         Extracurricular Participation

Students instructed at home are not eligible to participate in interscholastic sports. Commissioner's Regulations mandate that only students enrolled in the public school are allowed to participate in interscholastic sports. However, the School District does permit home-instructed students to participate in intramural and other school-sponsored extracurricular activities.

b)        Textbooks and Materials

The District shall not provide textbooks and other materials to home-instructed students.

c)         Health Services

The School District is not required to furnish health services.

d)        Remedial Programs

The District is not responsible for providing remedial programs.

e)         Occupational and Vocational Education Programs

The District is not authorized to provide, by law, Occupational and Vocational Education programs or programs for the gifted to home instructed students.

f)         Special Education Services

Home-instructed students may not participate in the instructional program of the School District except for special education programs and services the District is required to offer.

The District shall offer a home-instructed student with disabilities the special education services as addressed in the approved Individualized Education Program (IEP) by the Committee on Special Education. However, there is no requirement that such services be provided in the student's home. Further, the District shall conduct a census and register of students with disabilities who reside in the District in accordance with Education Law and Commissioner's Regulations.

For school age home-schooled students with individualized home instruction plans (IHIP) determined to be in compliance with the Commissioner’s Regulation who are students with disabilities, the Committee on Special Education (CSE) will develop an individualized education services program (IESP) for the student. The IESP will be developed in the same manner and have the same contents as an individualized education program (IEP). An IESP is developed in consideration of the parents’ decision to home school their child.

In order to receive services, the parent must request special education services in writing to the board of education of the school district of location by June 1 preceding the school year for which the request for services is made. However, for a student who is first identified as a student with a disability after the first day of June preceding the school year for which the request is made and prior to the first day of April of such current school year, the parent must submit the written request for services within 30 days after the student was first identified. A request may also be submitted within 30 days of a change in the student’s school district of residence. Home schooled students may receive such services during the regular school year only.

Special education services will be provided to home-schooled students on an equitable basis as compared to special education programs and services provided to other students with disabilities attending public or nonpublic schools within the district.

Parents of home-schooled students who disagree with the IESP recommendation of the CSE will be entitled to due process pursuant to Education Law section 4404 just as parents of nonpublic students are.

The location where special education services will be determined by the CSE/CPSE and could include the site of home schooling.


g)            Use of School Facilities

Students instructed at home shall not be allowed to use school facilities, except as provided for community organizations in Policy #3280 -- Community Use of School Facilities, Materials and Equipment.

9.6      First Reading of Revisions to Policy 8280 Instruction for English Language Learners or Students with Limited English Proficiency

                                WITH LIMITED ENGLISH PROFICIENCY

            The Board of Education recognizes its responsibility to ensure that students of foreign birth or ancestry, who have limited English proficiency (LEP) or English Language Learners (ELL), are provided with an appropriate free-standing program of English as a Second Language (ESL).

            The instructional programs and services available to limited English proficient pupils to help them acquire English proficiency may include, pursuant to Commissioner's Regulations, free-standing English as a second language programs, appropriate support services, transitional services, in-service training and parental notification

A student who, as a result of a disability, scores below the State designated level on the Language Assessment Battery-Revised (LAB-R) or the NYS English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) shall be provided special education programs and services in accordance with the individualized education program (IEP) developed for such student and shall also be eligible for services available to an ELL/LEP student when those services are recommended in the IEP. Such a student will be counted as an ELL/LEP student as well as a student with a disability for purposes of calculating State aid.

The parent/guardian of a student identified as an English language learner or as limited English proficient shall be informed in his/her native language, if necessary, of the student's identification for and/or participation in an English language learner instructional program as well as other school related information.

The Superintendent shall ensure that all data required by the Commissioner's Regulations is submitted to the State Education Department in a timely manner.

9.7      First Reading of Revisions to Policy 7521 Students with Life Threatening Allergies


            Students come to school with diverse medical conditions which may impact their learning as well as their health. Some of these conditions are serious and may be life-threatening.

Students, parents, school personnel and health care providers must all work together to provide the necessary information and training to allow children with chronic health problems to participate as fully and safely as possible in the school experience.

All students within the District with known life-threatening conditions should have a comprehensive plan of care in place: an Emergency Care Plan (ECP) and/or Individualized Healthcare Plan (IHP), and if appropriate an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or Section 504 Plan.

School Health Team

            The District has identified the following as important members of the School Health Team to ensure that health information is complete, appropriate accommodations are prepared, and any necessary medication and environmental protocols are in place for students with life-threatening health conditions:

a)         Parents/Guardians and Students;

b)        School District Administrators;

c)         School Medical Director;

d)        School Nurse;

e)         Teachers;

f)         Guidance Counselor/Social Worker;

g)        Teaching Assistants and Teacher Aides;

h)        Food Service Personnel;

i)          Custodial Staff;

j)          Transportation Personnel;

k)         Athletic Director, Coaches and After School Volunteers;

l)          Coordinators for Special Education

m)        Director of Health Services


            Although anaphylaxis can affect almost any part of the body and cause various symptoms, the most dangerous symptoms include breathing difficulties and a drop in blood pressure or shock which are potentially fatal. Treatment for anaphylaxis includes immediate removal of the allergen, and treating the rapidly progressing effects of histamine release in the body with epinephrine and antihistamines.

            Particularly for those students with chronic life-threatening conditions such as diabetes, seizure disorders, asthma and allergies (food, insect sting, latex, medications, etc.) which may result in severe, life-threatening reactions to various environmental triggers, it is necessary that the District work cooperatively with the parent(s) and the healthcare provider to:

a)         Immediately develop an Emergency Care Plan (ECP) for each at risk student to ensure that all appropriate personnel are aware of the student's potential for a life-threatening reaction;

b)        If appropriate, develop an Individualized Healthcare Plan that includes all necessary treatments, medications, training and educational requirements for the student. If the student is eligible for accommodations based upon the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 or the Americans with Disabilities Act, the appropriate procedures will be followed regarding evaluation and identification;

c)         Provide training by licensed medical personnel (e.g. registered professional nurse) for all adults in a supervisory role in the recognition and emergency management of a specific medical condition for specific students;

d)        Obtain specific legal documents duly executed in accordance with New York State law; appropriate health care provider authorization in writing for specific students that includes the frequency and conditions for any testing and/or treatment, symptoms, and treatment of any conditions associated with the health problem; and directions for emergencies;

e)         Secure written parent permission and discuss parental responsibility that includes providing the health care provider's orders, providing any necessary equipment, and participation in the education and co-management of the child as he/she works toward self-management;

f)         Allow self-directed students, as assessed by the school nurse, to carry life saving medication with prior approval by the medical provider, and according to health practice and procedures, as long as duplicate life saving medication is also maintained in the health office in the event the self-carrying student misplaces their medication;

g)        Assure appropriate and reasonable building accommodations are in place within a reasonable degree of medical certainty.

            In addition, the District will:

a)         Provide training for all staff in the recognition of an anaphylactic reaction;

b)        Have standing emergency medical protocols for nursing staff;

c)         Request the School Medical Director to write a non-patient specific order for anaphylaxis treatment agents for the school's registered professional nurse to administer in the event of an unanticipated anaphylactic episode;

d)        As permitted by New York State law, maintain stock supplies of life saving emergency medications such as epinephrine and antihistamine in all health offices for use in first time emergencies;

e)         Ensure that Building-level and District-wide school safety plans include appropriate accommodations for students with life-threatening health conditions;

f)         Encourage families to obtain medic-alert bracelets for at risk students;

g)        Educate students regarding the importance of immediately reporting symptoms of an allergic reaction.

Creating an Allergen-Safe School Environment

            Avoidance of exposure to allergens is the key to preventing a life-threatening anaphylactic reaction. Educating the entire school community about life-threatening allergies is crucial in keeping students with such allergies safe. The risk of accidental exposure or cross-contamination is always present, particularly for students with food allergies. The school setting is a high-risk environment for accidental ingestion of a food allergen due to the presence of a large number of students, increased exposure to food allergens, and cross-contamination of tables, desks and other surfaces.

            To guard against accidental exposure to allergens, monitoring of the following high-risk areas and activities is crucial:

a)         Cafeteria;
b)        Food sharing;
c)         Hidden ingredients in art, science and other projects;
d)        Transportation;
e)         Fund raisers and bake sales;
f)         Parties and holiday celebrations;
g)        Field trips;
h)        Before and after school programs.

Use of Epinephrine Auto-Injector Devices (Epi-Pens) in the School Setting

The administration of epinephrine by epi-pen to a student with a known severe allergy needing an anaphylactic treatment agent may be performed by a school staff member responding to an emergency situation when such use has been prescribed by a licensed prescriber. However, a registered professional nurse/nurse practitioner/physician/physician's assistant must have trained the staff member to administer the epi-pen for that emergency situation and given him/her approval to assist the student in the event of an anaphylactic reaction.

Documentation of training must be maintained in the Anaphylaxis Protocol for Non-Licensed School Staff Members for each affected student. The emergency response by non-licensed school staff members is permitted under the Medical Practice Act (Education Law Section 6527(4) (a) and the Nurse Practice Act (Education Law Section 6908 (1) (a) (iv)) and is covered by the "Good Samaritan Law" (Public Health Law Section 3000-a).

Chronic Health Condition Self-Management

The District will work toward assisting students in the self-management of their chronic health condition based upon the student's knowledge level and skill by:

a)         Adequately training all staff involved in the care of the child;

b)        Assuring the availability of the necessary equipment and/or medications;

c)         Providing appropriately trained licensed persons as required by law;

d)        Providing additional appropriately trained adults to complete delegated tasks as allowed by law;

e)         Developing an emergency plan for the student; and

f)         Providing ongoing staff and student education.


9.8      First Reading of Revisions to Policy 5572 Audit Committee

            The Board of Education establishes a standing Audit Committee. The Audit Committee (AC) shall consist of three members of the Board of Education and two members of the community at-large. Both  Members of the Board of Education serve one year terms and community members serve two year terms. Community member terms shall be staggered and their appointments made by resolution of the Board of Education. Community members shall take an oath of office.

            All members serve without compensation, but shall be reimbursed for any actual and necessary expenditure incurred in relation to attendance at training events or mandatory conferences. Employees of the District are prohibited from serving on the Audit Committee. Members of the Audit Committee shall be deemed School District Officers.


            The role of the Audit Committee shall be advisory to the Board of Education.

            The audit responsibilities of the Audit Committee include the following:

  1. Provide recommendations regarding the appointment of the External (Independent) Auditor for the District;


  1. Meet with the External (Independent) Auditor prior to commencement of the audit to set audit and risk assessment parameters;
  1. Receive and review the draft annual audit report and accompanying draft management letter and, working directly with the External (Independent) Auditor, assist the Board of Education in interpreting such documents;


  1. Make recommendation to the Board on accepting the annual audit report;
  1. Review every corrective action plan developed by the School District and assist the Board in its implementation;


  1. Assist in the oversight of the Internal Audit function including, but not limited to providing recommendations regarding the appointment of the Internal Auditor, meeting regularly with the Internal Auditor, reviewing significant findings and recommendations of the Internal Auditor, monitoring the School District's implementation of such recommendations, and evaluating the performance of the internal audit function;
  1. Assist in the oversight of the Claims Audit function including, but not limited to, providing recommendations regarding the appointment of the Claims Auditor, meeting regularly with the Claims Auditor, reviewing significant findings and recommendations of the Claims Auditor, monitoring the School District's implementation of such recommendations, and evaluating the performance of the claims audit function;


  1. Review annually Board policies on audit and finance and refer any proposed changes to the policy committee before Board review and action;
  1. Review annually this committee charter, for changes that may be necessary as a result of new laws, regulations or special circumstances. Refer any proposed changes to the Board of Education for review and action;


  1. Conduct executive sessions as allowed by law;
  1. Conduct an annual self assessment of the Audit Committee; and


  1. Create an annual committee agenda for the ensuing year to assure completion of all responsibilities.

            The finance responsibilities of the Audit Committee include the following:

  1. Review, at least quarterly, the monthly financial statements prepared for the Board of Education and make any recommendations to the Board for consideration and/or action;


  1. Propose for Board consideration any variations in reporting format or methodology of regular finance reports.
  1. Review matters as referred by the Board of Education.


            The Audit Committee shall make monthly reports to the full Board of Education.


The foregoing policies will be presented to the Board of Education on October 21 for a second reading and approval.


FINANCIAL REPORTS                                                                                                                                   FINANCIAL REPORTS

Motion made by Donald Kerr and seconded by Daniel Torres that the Treasurer’s Reports for         
July 2009 and August 2009 and Budget Transfer Schedules #1(June 2009) and
#2 (August 2009) be accepted.         

Motion carried 7 – 0 with 7 members voting.


OTHER DISCUSSION                                                                                                                                       OTHER DISCUSSION
Mr. Kerr asked that the Comeback List include the topic of the difference in cost of construction at SUNY versus the district.

PUBLIC COMMENT                                                                                                                                                          PUBLIC

No Public Comment
ADJOURN                                                                                                                                                                            ADJOURN
Motion made by Donald Kerr and seconded by Patrick Rausch that the Board
adjourn at 10:40 PM.

Motion carried 7 - 0 with 7 members voting.


Respectfully submitted,


Beverly J. Sickler
District Clerk