Minutes – Special Meeting – Board of Education – New Paltz Central High School – July 21, 2010 – 6:00 PM
New Paltz Central High School Audion

CALL MEETING TO ORDER/ROLL CALL                                                                                                         CALL TO ORDER
Meeting called to order by President Don Kerr at 6:00 pm.

Maria Rice was appointed as Clerk Pro Tempore for this portion of the meeting.   

BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT:     ABSENT:   Steven Greenfield                                                                        QUORUM CHECK
               Donald Kerr
Kathleen Tobin Flusser
Daniel Torres
Edgar Rodriguez
Robert Rich
Patrick Rausch
ALSO PRESENT:   Maria Rice, Superintendent of Schools                         

AGENDA CHANGES – President Donald Kerr presented the following Addendum to the Agenda.                           AGENDA


ADD to existing item 6.1

6.1          Instructional Probationary Appointments
Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby appoint the following instructional employee with remuneration as per NPUT contract. 

Name                      Title                        Effective Date                                       Salary
Joseph Foti           Science                  Effective 9/1/10 – 9/1/13                  MA, Step C $59,160

Replace 6.4 with the following

6.4          CSE Evaluations/Meetings Recommendation – that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby appoint as needed the following employees for CSE Evaluations/Meetings with remuneration as per union contracts.

Name                                                                      Title                                        Effective date
Alexandra MacKinnon                                      CSE Meetings                      07/23/10 – August 31, 2010
Lisa Watkins                                                         CSE Meetings                      07/23/10 – August 31, 2010

ADD the following resolution

7.3          Request for Declaration of Emergency Project at the New Paltz Middle School
Recommendation -   that the following resolution be approved:

WHEREAS, the School District is in receipt of a report from CSArch Architecture/Engineering/Construction Management advising that the gutter system on the New Paltz Middle School presents a direct risk of failure and require removal of the gutter systems and associated work in order to properly safeguard the occupants of the building; and

WHEREAS, this condition threatens the health, safety and welfare of the students and employees of the district, as well as the integrity of the school building;


WHEREAS, the Board of Education is in receipt from its architect an approximate cost to perform the necessary removals to the New Paltz Middle School; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Education has identified the availability of $100,000 in the Capital Fund.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education declares the gutter removal and associated work at the New Paltz Middle School to be an emergency; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the removal of the gutters and associated work as an ordinary contingent expense of the Board and authorizes the Superintendent, or her designee, to take the necessary legal steps to remove the gutter system with associated work; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby authorizes the use of up to $100,000 from the Capital Fund to perform the gutter removal and associated work at the New Paltz Middle School as an ordinary contingent expense of the School District.

7.4          Request for Declaration of Emergency Project at Lenape Elementary School
Recommendation -   that the following resolution be approved:

WHEREAS, the School District is in receipt of a report from CSArch Architecture/Engineering/Construction Management advising that a portion of the masonry wall construction on the Lenape Elementary School presents a direct risk of failure and requires removal and replacement with associated work in order to properly safeguard the occupants of the building; and

WHEREAS, this condition threatens the health, safety and welfare of the students and employees of the district, as well as the integrity of the school building;

WHEREAS, the Board of Education is in receipt from its architect an approximate cost to perform the necessary masonry removals and replacement to the Lenape Elementary School; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Education has identified the availability of $100,000 in the Capital Fund.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education declares the masonry removal and replacement along with associated work at the Lenape Elementary School to be an emergency; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the removal and replacement of masonry along with associated work as an ordinary contingent expense of the Board and authorizes the Superintendent, or her designee, to take the necessary legal steps to remove and replace the affected portion of masonry along with associated work; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby authorizes the use of up to $100,000 from the Capital Fund to perform the removal and replacement of the masonry along with associated work at the Lenape Elementary School as an ordinary contingent expense of the School District.

Motion made by Daniel Torres and seconded by Robert Rich to accept the agenda as amended by the addendum.

Motion carried 6 - 0 with 6 members voting.

PUBLIC COMMENTS – None                                                                                                                                PUBLIC COMMENT

President Kerr announced the membership of the Board Committees as follows:

Committee Assignments
Audit Committee:                         Patrick Rausch, Chair
Edgar Rodriguez
Robert Rich
Policy Committee:                        Kathleen Tobin Flusser, Chair
Steven Greenfield
Daniel Torres

Facilities Committee:                    Steven Greenfield, Chair
Donald Kerr
Robert Rich
Legislative Committee:                Daniel Torres, Chair
Kathleen Tobin-Flusser
Edgar Rodriguez
HAC:                                              Daniel Torres – 2nd year of 2-year term

PERSONNEL (CONSENT AGENDA)                                                                                                                                  PERSONNEL
Motion made by Daniel Torres and seconded by Robert Rich that the Board of Education approve the following personnel (consent agenda) resolutions 6.1 through 6.4: 

6.1          Instructional Probationary Appointments
Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby appoint the following instructional employee with remuneration as per NPUT contract

Name                      Title                                                       Effective Date                                       Salary
Susan Ehrlich        Family & Consumer Sciences            Effective  9/1/10-9/01/13                      MA, Step A $62,160
Joseph Foti           Science                                                  Effective 9/1/10 – 9/1/13                     MA, Step C $59,160

6.2          Request for Approval to Execute Addendum Agreement to Superintendent’s Contract
Recommendation – that the Board of Education approve the following resolution:

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby authorizes its President to execute an Addendum Agreement, dated July 21, 2010, to the Superintendent’s Contract, extending the Superintendent’s employment through July 1, 2015. A copy of such Addendum Agreement shall be incorporated by reference within the minutes of this meeting.

6.3          Non-Instructional Appointments
Recommendation - that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby appoint the following:

Name                                      Title                                                       Effective Date                       Salary                    Hours    
Elias Vandenakker                BOE Filming                                          7/21/10                                   $20.00/hr                as needed
Shawn Long                          BOE Filming                                          7/21/10                                   $20.00/hr                as needed

6.4          CSE Evaluations/Meetings
Recommendation – that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby appoint as needed the following employees for CSE Evaluations/Meetings with remuneration as per union contracts effective July 19, 2010 – August 31, 2010:

Name                                                                      Title                                       Effective date
Alexandra MacKinnon                                       CSE Meetings                      07/23/10 – August 31, 2010
Lisa Watkins                                                       CSE Meetings                      07/23/10 – August 31, 2010

MOTION carried 6 - 0 with 6 members voting.

NEW BUSINESS (Consent Agenda)                                                                                                                            NEW BUSINESS
Motion made by Robert Rich and seconded by Daniel Torres that the Board of Education approve the following New Business Consent Agenda items 7.1 through 7.4:

7.1          Request for Approval to Award Lenape Chimney Extension Bid
BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the New Paltz Central School District, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, Superintendent of Schools, does hereby award the Lenape Chimney Extension Bid to Kniffen Builders, in the amount of $60,300.00.

7.2          Request for Approval of Session Agreement Resolution
BE IT RESOLVED that pursuant to 8 NUCRR 200.5(j)(2) the Board hereby authorizes the Assistant Superintendent of Pupil Personnel Services to participate in special education resolution sessions with parents of students with disabilities who have initiated due process proceedings; and

7.3          Request for Declaration of Emergency Project at the New Paltz Middle School
WHEREAS, the School District is in receipt of a report from CSArch Architecture/Engineering/Construction Management advising that the gutter system on the New Paltz Middle School presents a direct risk of failure and require removal of the gutter systems and associated work in order to properly safeguard the occupants of the building; and

WHEREAS, this condition threatens the health, safety and welfare of the students and employees of the district, as well as the integrity of the school building;

WHEREAS, the Board of Education is in receipt from its architect an approximate cost to perform the necessary removals to the New Paltz Middle School; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Education has identified the availability of $100,000 in the Capital Fund.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education declares the gutter removal and associated work at the New Paltz Middle School to be an emergency; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the removal of the gutters and associated work as an ordinary contingent expense of the Board and authorizes the Superintendent, or her designee, to take the necessary legal steps to remove the gutter system with associated work; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby authorizes the use of up to $100,000 from the Capital Fund to perform the gutter removal and associated work at the New Paltz Middle School as an ordinary contingent expense of the School District.

7.4          Request for Declaration of Emergency Project at Lenape Elementary School
WHEREAS, the School District is in receipt of a report from CSArch Architecture/Engineering/Construction Management advising that a portion of the masonry wall construction on the Lenape Elementary School presents a direct risk of failure and requires removal and replacement with associated work in order to properly safeguard the occupants of the building; and

WHEREAS, this condition threatens the health, safety and welfare of the students and employees of the district, as well as the integrity of the school building;

WHEREAS, the Board of Education is in receipt from its architect an approximate cost to perform the necessary masonry removals and replacement to the Lenape Elementary School; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Education has identified the availability of $100,000 in the Capital Fund.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education declares the masonry removal and replacement along with associated work at the Lenape Elementary School to be an emergency; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the removal and replacement of masonry along with associated work as an ordinary contingent expense of the Board and authorizes the Superintendent, or her designee, to take the necessary legal steps to remove and replace the affected portion of masonry along with associated work; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby authorizes the use of up to $100,000 from the Capital Fund to perform the removal and replacement of the masonry along with associated work at the Lenape Elementary School as an ordinary contingent expense of the School District.

BE IT RESOLVED that the Assistant Superintendent of Pupil Personnel Services shall have decision making authority to enter such Settlement Agreements on the District’s behalf.
MOTION to approve New Business Consent Agenda Items 7.1 through 7.4 carried 6 - 0 with 6 members voting.
OLD BUSINESS (Consent Agenda)                                                                                                                               OLD BUSINESS
Motion made by Daniel Torres and seconded by Kathleen Tobin-Flusser that the Board of Education approve the following Old Business Consent Agenda items 8.1 through 8.2:

8.1          Correcting Resolution – Impartial Hearing Officers
BE IT RESOLVED that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, does hereby approve a correcting resolution to add the following sentence to the resolution previously approved by the Board of Education during the July 7, 2010 Organizational Meeting:

The Board of Education hereby gives the President or Vice President of the Board the authority to formally appoint a hearing officer by signing a letter of appointment.

The entire resolution will appear as follows:
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education shall adopt the most recent rotational list of impartial hearing officers established by the State Education Department, including any updates made by the Department during the school year. The District shall utilize the most recent rotational list in making all impartial hearing officer appointments. The Board of Education hereby gives the President or Vice President of the Board the authority to formally appoint a hearing officer by signing a letter of appointment. Compensation will be made the maximum hourly rate approved by the State Education Department pursuant to section 4404(1) of the Education Law.

8.2          Correcting Resolution – Rate of Pay for Substitutes and Other Personnel
BE IT RESOLVED that the New Paltz Central Schools Board of Education, upon the recommendation of Maria C. Rice, does hereby approve a correcting resolution to change the Rate of Pay for Filming of Board Meetings as approved by the Board of Education at the July 7, 2010 Organizational Meeting from $25.00 per hour to $20.00 per hour.

Motion to approve Old Business Consent Agenda Items 8.1 through 8.2 carried 6 - 0 with 6 members voting.
EXECUTIVE SESSION                                                                                                                                          EXECUTIVE SESSION
Motion made by Edgar Rodriguez and seconded by Kathleen Tobin Flusser that the Board of Education move into executive Session at 6:21 PM for the purpose of discussing the history of particular individuals.

Motion carried 6 - 0 with 6 members voting.

Out of Executive Session - Motion made by Daniel Torres and seconded by Robert Rich that the Board return to Public Session at 6:24 PM.

Motion carried 6 - 0 with 6 members voting.
ADJOURN                                                                                                                                                                                   ADJOURN
Motion made by Kathleen Tobin Flusser and seconded by Daniel Torres that the Board adjourn at 6:25 PM.
Motion carried 6 - 0 with 6 members voting.

Respectfully submitted,

Maria C. Rice
District Clerk Pro Tem