• Welcome to Ms. Kamrass's AP Literature & Composition page!


    Click here for the course outline


    Is literature important? We will address this throughout the year in our Response Notebooks

    2020 AP Exam Information

    AP Literature Exam is online, 2 p.m., Wednesdsay, May 13

    Here is a link for College Board videos that detail the changes.


    Weekly Sheets

    Quarter 3

    March 30, 2020 -- 
    Hello! I hope you are all happy and healthy (I miss you so much)!!
    Before we start on any academic work, I want you to know that you should email me if you are having any difficulties (any). 
    Since we cannot  meet in a physical classroom, I've moved class lessons to GoogleClassroom. All correspondence and assignments will be posted there. Since we had mapped out a plan for reading Wuthering Heights, we will stay with that schedule (delayed by two weeks, of course). 
    Some notes about the AP Exam: 
    The College Board is adapting to meet the needs of all during this time of crisis, but what that looks like is not fully known. Here's what I have heard: 1. There wil not be any multiple choice questions (but you should still practice what I gave you to hone your analyses), the exam will contain a 45-minute written portion. 2. If we go back to regular classes in the school, the exam will be administered there. If we don't, you will take it online. 3. The College Board is running review sessions on its YouTube channel. Here is the link
    I will check regularly with The College Board (as you should too) and update on GoogleClassroom.
    Here's hoping that we will meet face-to-face before the schoolyear ends!
    Note on March 19: I hope that everyone is well! Please contact me if you need anything. As for now,
    I'm not posting any work, but will after the district gives us the word. It will probably be assigned on Google Classroom, since you are all registered for it. 
    I miss you all!!! Stay healthy!!



    Week 7 (March 9-13) Sheet linked here is edited from the one printed for class. 


    Week 6 (March 2-6) Left off of sheet: Typed copy of your essay (Silas Lapham) is due stapled atop supporting documents Friday (we don't meet, so you can put it in the class drawer.

    Week 4 (Feb. 17-21)

    Week 3 (Feb. 10-14) - The snow day + water day + conference day meant we only met on Wednesday.

    Homework due Tuesday, Feb. 18: 1. Read Wuthering Heights through chapter IX and complete study guide questions 2. Completed typed rewrite of "The Landlady" and staple it atop written draft and rubrics.

    Week 1 (Jan 27-31) - Here is the link for Literary Theory (Literarty Criticism).

    Quarter 2

    Week 9 (Jan. 13-17)

     Question 3 essay (Journey) is due this week 

    Midterm is in class, Thursday, Jan. 16: total grade for midterm will be a combination of the multiple choice section and your revised Question 3 essay (the cruelty essay or the journey essay)


    Week 8

    Week 7 - We only meet on 1/2/2020

    Class review of The Bean Trees with notes and discussion. Homework, due on Monday, 1/6 is to revise and type draft of Blithedale farm essay, and complete homework choice for chapters 10-13. 

    Week 6 - No homework over break, but submit Bean Trees homework that was due 12/19/19 if you have not. 

    Week 4 - no weekly sheet

    Due Tuesday, Dec. 10: Read chapter 2 of The Bean Trees and write three significant facts, ideas, etc. Also write one discussion question. You are welcome to read as much as you'd like. 

    due Friday, Dec. 6: Read chapter 1 of The Bean Trees and write three significant facts, ideas, etc. Also write one discussion question. 

    Week 2 (Nov. 18-22)


    Quarter 2

    Week 10 (Nov. 4-8) We will meet in room 103 both days to work on revisions for the Q1 Portfolio (due Friday, Nov. 8). Wednesday is the last day that I will accept rewritten work. I can assist as you type your final copies Friday during workshop time. 

    Week 9 (Oct. 28-Nov. 1)

    Week 8 (Oct. 21-25)

    Week 7 (Oct. 14-18) The weekly sheet I created is no longer relevant: the PSAT scheduled mixed up too much. If the senior photo is cancelled, we'll have a quiz for List 4. Additionally, we will discuss Of Mice and Men since everyone will have finished reading it. The essay for "Cherry Bomb" will be assigned early next week. 

    Week 6 (Oct. 7-11)

    Week 5 (Sept. 30-Oct. 4)

    Week 4 (Sept. 20-27)

    Week 3 (Sept. 16-20) - The rewrite of your essay for "XIV" has been changed to Tuesday, Sept. 24 (It was orginally assigned for Friday, September 20). 

    There weren't enough in attendance Friday for the peer review, we will complete that in class Tuesday, Sept. 24, then the typed essay is due Thursday, Sept. 26. 

    Week 1 - no weekly sheet

    Week 2 (Sept. 9-13)

Last Modified on May 5, 2020