
    Let   There   Be   Light

    The following is a list of shooting Assignments:                                                        
    1. The Elements - discovery of light and design.                                                      
    2. Depth of Field - using focus to guide the viewer's eye.  Aperture Priority             
    3. Stop Action 4 Create Motion 4 Panning - Shutter Priority                               
    4. Time Exposure - Night Photography and Light Sculpture                                     
    5. Self Portrait - a chance to be on the outside looking in                                         
    6. Silhouette - a study of contour, shapes. and positive/negative space                     
    7. Choice of Special Effect - darkroom effects, toning, digital imaging etc.                
    8. Social Comment - use your ability to break the news...                                         
    Each assignment is related to camera mechanics as well as an exercise in the use of available light and visual perception - needed in developing an artistic eye.             
    A photographer must learn to SEE and compose a successful, well organized image rather than the everyday snapshot.             
    • A portfolio of Prints will be produced and group critiques will be held.
    • Participation in class discussion and overall cooperation with fellow photography students is essential.
    • Each student (as part of the midterm) will give a presentation on a selected photographer - the student can emulate the chosen photographers work with an original photograph.
    • We will work together with resect for eachother and the delicate nature of this medium.
    Most of all...use the camera as a means to channel your specific needs into expression. Be open to your sense of discovery.
    Attendance - required for each session. The student is expected to come to class with a completed assignment and materials for working during lab time.  Extra lab hours are usually needed - open studio hours are Tuesdays fromm 2:20 - 4:20 ans most other days until 3pm. During work hours students are responsible for the maintenance of the work space and everyone is expected to stay until the lab is cleaned up.
    Assessment and Evaluation - is based on critiques using rubrics. Work is presented for visual analysis and will lead to discussion and articulation of how the assignment was interpreted, technical skill used, the success of the composition etc.  Students are expected to participate in ongoing group critiques as well as individual critiques at the end of the marking period.
    Each marking period a cover sheet will identify what is expected in the portfolio.
    Please see the current marking period portfolio cover sheet on the assignments page.
    Materials and Supplies
    4 Rolls of Film - Tri -x or TMax 400 iso are recommended.  Please be aware of the films on the market that are color films but yield black and white prints.  We cannot process these - they are often labelled "black and White
    4 Photo paper is supplied in small quantities - you may need to buy more at the end of class, please be frugal and conserve. Keep your paper safe and bring to class.
    4 For this course a 35mm film camera is needed. If you do not own one consider borrowing one froma friend or relative.  The camera does not have to be brought to school but it is helpful in the beginning.  The art department has loaning cameras that can be signed out for short periods of time.
    4 A digital camera can be used for a few assignments.  Consider borrowing one. The art department has a digital camera that can be signed out for use on school grounds only. If using a digital print for portfolio a professional print must be made - 5x7 or larger. Rite Aid, Artcraft, Snapfish, Nations Photo Lab.com etc. etc.
    4 Other supplies - 3 Ring Binder, a 000 spotting brush, a watch.
    4 Provided : Negative Sleeves, mounting boards and tissue, photo paper, one roll of bulk loaded film, all chemicals.

    Any supplies purchased at ArtCraft are student discounted 20%

Last Modified on September 19, 2011