• I hope you are staying well--and I am hoping the following information will help support you and your child during this Coronavirus outbreak. 

    Please visit the New York State School Social Workers' Association's Website for resources during this very difficult time. The following is the link to the webpage:nyssswa.org/crisis-response/coronavirus-school-response-resources/. The section titled Resources for Children and Parents has lots of good information including how to discuss the Coronavirus with your child and activities to do while at home from school. 

    The UNICEF website has lots of information about how to support children through the coronavirus outbreak. You can find this information by going to his information by going to https://unicef.org

    The National Association of School Psychologists published a helpful article as well. The link is the following: https://www.nasponline.org/

    Lara Savelson, our Speech and Language teacher, has great resources on her Duzine webpage--please check out her webpage! 

                 baby owl   Watch Baby Echo talk about school closure (with Ms. Renee and Mrs. Savelson)  



    ***If you have a question or concern about your child--please feel free to send me an email at rreynolds@newpaltz.k12.ny.us     

    Stay healthy--hope to see you all soon! -Renee 

Last Modified on March 27, 2020