• Feelings Faces Chart


    During this time of uncertainity, it is good to check in with your child to see how they are feeling about things (their new routine, school closing, missing friends, etc etc). You can use a "feelings faces" chart to help your child identify how they are feeling.  There are many different charts out there online--the following is an example of one I use:)




    Ask your child to point to how they are feeling--which face matches how they are feeling. You can simply say, "How are you feeling today?"  They may point to more than one feeling which is perfectly normal. You can use the feelings face as a springboard to talk about the emotion. If your child is identifying a sad or worried emotion--you can help your child think of ways to feel better i.e. play outside, draw a picture, make a craft, build with legos, take deep breaths, blow bubbles...

    Once your child labels the feeling, you can have your child rate the intensity of the emotion. Ask them on a scale from 1 to 10 (1 being not so much) how________ are you feeling? 



Last Modified on March 27, 2020