• Receptive Language
    Receptive language disorder means that a child has difficulty understanding what is said to them.  Children need to be able to understand language to use it effectively.  Some factors that in combination may contribute to a receptive language disorder are genetic susceptibility, exposure to language, and developmental and cognitive abilities.  Children with receptive language problems may exhibit:
    • Difficulty comprehending written and spoken information
    • Weak receptive vocabulary
    • Difficulty following directions
    • Difficulty understanding abstract words and words with multiple meanings
    • Difficulty with comparing and classifying things
    • difficulty with inferences
    • Difficulty with number concepts and word problems
    • Language skills below the expected level for their age
    Central Auditory Processing Disorders
    Children who exhibit Central Auditory Processing Disorders have trouble recognizing the subtle differences between sounds in words in the presence of background noise.  This does not mean that the child cannot hear.  It simply means they do not process auditory information normally.  Symptoms may include:
    • Being easily distracted by loud or sudden noises or noisy environments
    • Attention and behavior tends to improve in quiet settings
    • Difficulty following both simple and complex directions
    • The child may be disorganized and forgetful
    • Difficulty remembering information
    • Difficulty comprehending abstract information
    • Reading, spelling, writing and speech/language difficulties
    • Student may be pragmatically inappropriate due to difficulty following directions
    • Student may have low self-esteem; be viewed as immature; easily frustrated
    What Can Be Done to Help?
    • Establish eye contact when speaking
    • Emphasize important information. Give clues.
    • Keep sentences short and simple
    • Break down long directions into simple steps. Model them id necessary.
    • Repeat key words
    • Introduce new information in small steps. Pose questions before presenting information.
    • Provide visual reinforcements: drawings, maps, charts, diagrams, video, outlines, word lists, and written hand-outs/notes.
    • When using multiple meaning words, make sure the child knows which definition to focus on.
    • Present new vocabulary in context. Repeat often.
    • Link vocabulary to previous learning.
    • Clarify homework assignments.
    • Reduce environmental noise and distractions whenever possible
    https://www.ixl.com/ela/grade-3#reading-strategies  (Includes: Main Idea, Theme, Similes, Metaphors, Figurative Language, Inferencing and more)

    https://www.ixl.com/ela/grade-4#reading-strategies (Includes: Main Idea, Theme, Similes, Metaphors, Figurative Language, Inferencing and more)

    https://www.ixl.com/ela/grade-5#reading-strategies (Includes: Main Idea, Theme, Similes, Metaphors, Figurative Language, Inferencing and more)

    https://www.quia.com/pages/havefun.htm (Includes: Wh-Questions, Comprehension of Sentence Meanings, Understanding Negation, True/False and More)

    https://www.quia.com/pages/pbordasconjunctions.html (Wh-Questions)

    https://www.quia.com/pages/worldowords.html Includes Categorization, Basic Concepts, Inferencing, Sports Vocabulary, Homonyms, Synonyms, Antonyms and More)


    https://www.ixl.com/ela/grade-3#vocabulary (Includes: Categories, Synonyms, Antonyms, Multiple Meaning Words, Analogies, Differences, Idioms, Context Clues and More)

    https://www.ixl.com/ela/grade-4#vocabulary (Includes: Categories, Synonyms, Antonyms, Multiple Meaning Words, Analogies, Differences, Idioms, Context Clues and More)

    https://www.ixl.com/ela/grade-5#vocabulary (Includes: Categories, Synonyms, Antonyms, Multiple Meaning Words, Analogies, Differences, Context Clues, Idioms, and More)

    https://www.quia.com/pages/pbordaswordclasses.html (Includes: Word Classes, Associations, Categories)

    https://www.quia.com/pages/pbordassynonyms.html (Synonym Activities)

    https://www.quia.com/pages/pbordasantonyms.html (Antonyms Activities)

    https://www.gamequarium.com/antonyms/ (Antonym Activities)

    Idioms/Figurative Language:

    http://www.idiomconnection.com/ (Includes: Varying Idioms by Category i.e. animals, colors, etc.)

    https://www.quia.com/pages/pbordasidioms.html (Includes varying Idiom Activities)
    Challenge Yourself Quizzes:

    https://www.quia.com/pages/quizzical.html (Below are some quizzes for speech, language and vocabulary for pretesting and posttesting skills)
    When you open the websites above, look for specific goals you child is working on i.e. vocabulary, comprehesion of wh questions, following directions, etc. The activities will be seperated by specific language skills.
    You will also have access to materials and activites that are posted to your child's Google Speech/Language Classroom. These materials and activites can be used to practice your child's targeted skill.
Last Modified on September 15, 2021