Text messaging at New Paltz CSD (Parent/Guardian only)

  • Text messaging at New Paltz Central School District  (Parent/Guardian only)

    (Staff: click here to sign up for text messaging)


    Parents of current New Paltz Central School District students: Would you like to receive a text message from us in the event of a school delay, closing, or early dismissal? If so:

    • Using your cell phone, send "yes" to "67587" to opt-in and receive notifications from your student's school and the district.
    • You should receive a confirmation message from School Messenger: "You're now registered with the School Messenger notification service..."
    • The confirmation message does not guarantee you will receive text messages from us. Your mobile number must be on file with your child's school in order to receive text messages from us.

     text 67587           confirmation from 67587


      Frequently asked questions

    1. I “opted in”, but how do I know my number is on file with the school, so I will receive text messages?

    You may call the school at 845-256-4000 during school hours, and ask the main office if they have your cell phone number in PowerSchool.

    Or, log into the Parent Portal, and click on the Forms icon. The form name is "Cell phone numbers used for text messaging". Fill out the form and submit. The cell phone numbers go right into PowerSchool.

    2. What if my cell phone number is not on file with the school district?

    (Parents of current students only) It is very important that we have your current phone number on file, in case we need to contact you. If you do not have access to the Parent Portal, please call your child's school and ask them to enter your cell phone number into PowerSchool. Once it is in PowerSchool, you can text "YES" to 67587, and you will be opted in to text messaging.

     3. How do I "opt-out" of text messaging?

    Text the word "STOP" to 67587. You will no longer receive text messages from New Paltz Central School District.

    4. How do I sign up my babysitter/neighbor/emergency contact for text messaging?

    Since we pay a per-student fee for School Messenger, we only allow parents/guardians of current students to sign up. However, you have a couple of options:

    1) Call 845-256-4099 after 5:30 a.m. the day of a storm. 

    2) Listen to any of the iHeart radio stations

    3) Visit our home page at https://www.newpaltz.k12.ny.us, or Hudson Valley Storm Center at https://wrrv.com/snow-closings-delays/


    Have another question? Email Cheri Pettus (Technology) at cpettus@newpaltz.k12.ny.us, or call 845-256-4060.


Last Modified on February 3, 2025