


    Mr. Longbotham


    Mrs. Christensen’s


      Parent Handbook


    Hello to all of you!   We are absolutely thrilled to be your child’s teachers this year.  We’ve been busy planning, thinking, reviewing, and preparing for our adventure into 3rd grade together.  We do believe that an integral piece of educating your child is the partnership between you, as a family, and ourselves, as your child’s teachers.  Please look through this handbook, which was created to address various questions and concerns parents have had over the years.  It is not all-inclusive so we do encourage you to call with any other questions, concerns or comments. 

                E-mail is a great way to keep in touch as we check it before and after school- jlongbotham@newpaltz.k12.ny.us and  jchristensen@newpaltz.k12.ny.us Jim’s phone number at school is 256-4175  ext. 69619 and Jill’s extension is 69644 and voicemail is forwarded right to e-mail.  If you need to get through to us during the day please call 256-4300 and leave a message with the office.

                Please read through the entire handbook as you will get some idea of various routines, special times, rules and procedures that your child will be experiencing.  We’ve also included a Parent Involvement page if you would like to come into the class at all, if you would like to be Room Parent and help organize parties and/or come in to share a particular talent/skill and/or area of expertise. 

         Please inform us if anything unexpected has occurred at home which may cause your child to become uneasy or upset, or excited for that matter.  All information will be used in confidence to ease anxieties or share in the excitement.  We understand that you and your child may be excited and/or anxious about the beginning of a new school year, especially in a new school; please feel free to ask for any information you may need to help your child feel most comfortable.





    When buying school supplies, practical things are often the best.  While trendy things may look 'cool', they don't always work well.  Please let us know if you find these supplies are cost prohibitive. Be sure to write your child's name with permanent marker on their belongings, especially jackets and lunch boxes.


    1          Backpack

    1          Lunch Box

                24       #2 Pencils

                1          Eraser

    5               Marble Composition Notebook

                       (Labeled   -    Homework Journal with your name

    -     Word Study with your name

    -       Writing Journal with your name

    - Math Journal  with your name

    Spanish Journal with your name (Be sure it is the color indicated on the 3rd Grade General Supply List)

    6            Two-Pocket Folders – different colors or designs are best to help find it  

           fast!  (Labeled- Math, Reading/Writing, Word Study, Homework, Spanish,  

                    Science/Social Studies, and name on each)

               1        Student Scissors

    1               Highlighter Pen

    2         Tissue Boxes (We blow lots of noses!)




    Again, please be sure that each item is clearly marked with your child's name.  Also, your child will be needing more pencils throughout the year, so please check in with them on occasion to see what they need.



    If your child purchases hot lunch, it is $2.90 per day. Please send lunch money in a sealed envelope clearly marked with your child's name and zipped into a pocket in his or her book bag.



    We will have a snack each day.  Healthy snacks such as pretzels, crackers, cheese, peanut butter, yogurt, fruit, raisins, nuts and vegetables

    such as celery and carrot sticks are encouraged.  Please do not send candy, sugary cakes or sodas.  We feel very strongly that our classroom should model the very best health habits for the children (at least most of the time!  We do have the occasional splurge.)



    Let us know if you will be celebrating your child's birthday in school.  School parties may be celebrated with cupcakes, brownies, muffins, etc. and milk or juice.  Please do not distribute birthday party invitations in school unless you are inviting the entire class. Every birthday in the class is celebrated with a birthday circle, which honors the unique characteristics of the birthday child. Please let us know if you will be joining us for your child’s birthday circle, for you are more than welcome!

    Summer birthday children are celebrated at their 6-month birthday.  For example, if your birthday is July 16, we would celebrate your birthday on January 16.  If it falls on a weekend or vacation day, we’ll make arrangements.




    Your child will have the opportunity to enlarge his or her home library by ordering from Scholastic Book Club each month. Wonderful literature is available at very reasonable prices, and the classroom receives free books with each order. If you choose to order from the book club,(it is optional), please return the book order form in a sealed envelope marked with your child's name by the date indicated on the form.  Payment by check will be appreciated, made payable to Scholastic Books.  Books take about 2-3 weeks to arrive.




    Your child will be using a Homework journal and folder this year. On Monday, they will bring home a Homework News for the week.  They will have homework Mon. – Thurs. and it should take no more than 30 minutes (this includes ~15 minutes of reading) each day.  The assignments involve review of concepts previously taught, writing about their reading, as well as more open-ended journal writing.  Please call us immediately if there are any concerns or “power struggles” going on.  We work hard to ensure that children have a successful experience with Homework and our attitudes about it help to shape that experience for them. 



    Please take note:



    Toys, dolls, baseball or sport cards, electronic games, radio and tape players, Trapper-Keepers, extra paper and notebooks, valuable watches

    and jewelry, gum or candy and extra money above and beyond lunch and/or field trips.  There will be some exceptions for share days.  We will speak

    with the class about this.




    We have Student Supplies which students have access to throughout the day.  Please feel free to help us stock up.  Our classroom can always use these items:


    boxes of tissues- PLEASE send in TWO boxes with your child the first day.  Thanks!

    extra markers and crayons,

    colored pencils and #2 pencils

            (Ticonderoga are best- the points don’t keep breaking on us!) 

    sponges or scrubbies

    Index cards





    We find that the children enjoy solidifying their friendships by speaking on the telephone/e-mail and arranging play dates.  Please be sure to indicate on the enclosed form if you would NOT like your child to be included in the class directory.  This list is distributed ONLY to classmates.


    Note:  The directory will include:


    name           address             phone #              e-mail          birthdate
































    Parents can be involved in the classroom in many different ways.  Please indicate how you would like to be involved!


    Your name(s) ____________________________    Phone ________________




    E-mail ___________________________________


    Child’s name ____________________________ Birthdate _______________



    _____  I would like to be a Class Parent and assist in class events, parties.


    _____  I would like to chaperone on class trips.


    _____   I would be willing to come in on occasion to read-aloud


    _____  I would like to share my job or talent with the children.


                           It is ____________________________________________.


    _____ Other: _______________________________________________


    Option 1:


      ________ YES, I want to have my child included in the class

                 directory at this time.


            (Name, Address, Phone number, e-mail and Birthdate)


    Option 2:


      ________ I do NOT want to have my child included in the class

                 directory at this time.


            (Name, Address, Phone number, e-mail and Birthdate)


    Option 3:


      ________ Yes, I want to have my child included in the class

                 directory at this time- BUT ONLY THE CIRCLED ITEMS

            (Name, Address, Phone number, e-mail and Birthdate)






    This information helps us to understand your child better and plan instruction to meet his or her individual needs.  Please send this in to school the first week.  Be sure to complete BOTH sides.  Thank you!


    Name  _____________________________What do you like to be called?______________


    Names of parents/guardians _____________________________________


    What subjects do you enjoy in school?__________________________________________




    What books do you like to read?  Do you have a favorite author(s)?




    In what subjects might you need extra help? _____________________________________




    Have there been any changes in the family recently?(births, etc.) Any upcoming changes?




    What is your favorite hobby? What about a favorite sport and/or game?




    Describe a time that you laughed really hard.






    What kind of food do you like to eat?




    What was a highlight of the summer for you?




    What are you looking forward to this year?___________________________________




    **On the BACK of this form draw a picture of yourself doing something that you enjoy.


                                                                        See you soon!       

                                                                                       Mr. Longbotham and Mrs. Christensen

Last Modified on August 19, 2019