Website: https://www.duolingo.com

    To Log In: Visit the Duolingo Website. Log In with your Username or School e-mail Address and password.

    • New Paltz school e-mail address: _ _____@newpaltz.k12.ny.us
    • Enter your password.
      • Make sure to write your username and password down in your planner.


    To Create Your Account: Go to Duolingo and click on Get Started to create a new account.

                duolingo sign up

    Follow the steps to create your NEW PROFILE as they appear on the screen.


    When creating your new profile,

    • Select that you want to learn the Spanish language
    • Choose your daily learning goal (this is up to you).
    • Create a username that include your name so I know it refers to you, and write it down in your planner 
    • Create a password, and write it down in your planner
    • Use your school e-mail when signing up 
    • Choose your age
    • *Make sure to write your username and password down in your planner.

    To Join a Classroom: In order for me to track your progress, enter in your class code by completing the following steps:

    1. Selecting the Profile Icon (blue circle in the top, right hand corner).
    2. Click Settings
    3. Click Progress Sharing
    4. Enter your 6 digit class code (See below ↓ for codes)
    5. Press "Join Classroom"



    Here is a picture key to help you find where to go!

    1. Find the blue Profile Icon

    profile image



    2. Select Settings



    3. Select Progress Sharing

    progress sharing

    4. Enter Classroom Code (See Below)

    cr code


    Period 2: YFPJBN

    Period 4: GZPUVQ

    Period 5: MYPWQU

    Period 7: BUFXUD

    Period 8: ZQXZJA


Last Modified on November 21, 2021