• Steps for Posting a Blog Comment
    Step 1: You MUST sign into the webpage in order to post your blog entry.  The sign in for the webpage appears in the gray task bar at the top of the New Paltz Homepage.  You will need to use the username assigned to you and the password that you chose in school.  **If you have lost your username and/or password you will need to reset it in the computer lab.  I CANNOT change it for you. 
    Step 2: You will need to visit my webpage to access the your grades blog page.  It is found in the topic lists on the left hand side of my webpage.
    Step 3: You will need to select the "View Comments or Post a Comment" option below the class project blog.
    Step 4:  On the page where you will post, be sure to change your name to First Name Last Intitial and your class period number (example: Jane D5).  Follow the directions for the post to be sure you get full credit.  When your post is complete, choose the "post comment" option below the comment box.  **Your screen will refresh and your post will be sent to me. 
    Step 5: Check out your classmates posts on the website to see what else is going on in the news. 
Last Modified on April 3, 2017