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Science Rules the High School Halls

Science Research students from Grades 10-12 at the High School recently lined the school hallways to share the results of their research projects during the school’s annual Science Research Symposium. Student research ranged from risk taking in adolescent males, analysis of Peregrine Falcon nesting, the effect of music on emotion and neural mechanisms, and correlations between perfectionism and orthorexia.


Science Research teacher Justin Seweryn holds biweekly individual meetings with New Paltz’s symposium candidates throughout the process to guide them with their application of the scientific method, peer-reviewed scientific-related materials, communication and presentation skills, and navigating logistical hurdles. Students enter the program their sophomore year, and upon completion, receive up to 12 college credits from the University at Albany. Well done to all of the junior scientists for their hard work and research! #science #research #newpaltzhighschool #maroonpride