• United States History And Government-- 
    Fall 2016      
    Course Content:
    Colonial era to present, with a special emphasis on development and function of the US government. 
    The Class final exam is the NY State Regents exam, administered state-wide in June 2017.


    Method of Instruction:

    There is an extensive body of reading required to be successful in this course. While the reading will be dealt with in class, the student is responsible for dealing with the basic text and preparing questions/concerns for class discussion. There will not be daily "notes" given on the basic text.

    All of the following will be a part of this class.

    -Group work and presentations (verbal, in front of the class)

    -Readings with questions to answer
    -Analyzing primary sources, taking notes from these sources, and preparing outlines

    -Compare/contrast essays

    -Lectures/note taking

    -Test writing/grading

    -research and presentation in various forms


    All written assignments done outside of class will be considered as either quizzes or tests. There will be periodic quizzes on the reading assignments, and there will be formal essay/multiple choice tests. With the exception of reading quizzes, you will be given at least four days notice of all formal tests, and due dates for research papers/reaction papers and interpretations will be announced in a manner appropriate to the assignment. Quizzes count once, tests twice in computing averages. Homework average is computed by dividing points earned by total points possible. Reading quizzes are part of the homework average. Due dates will be coordinated to avoid conflicts with other courses whenever possible.

    Miscellaneous Information:

    Please come to class on time, and be ready to start immediately. "Tardy" means that you are not in the room and seated before the scheduled start of class. Please do not show up here a few second before class begins asking if you can go to your locker to get your books etc.-- that is to be done prior to the start time.
    When class is called to an assembly, we must leave together and sit in assigned seating. Attendance will be taken.
    The main office is open from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

    Fire Drills/Assemblies

    The Fire Exit route is posted on the wall-- we all leave together, quietly, and stay out of the parking lot. The schedule is posted on the bulletin board by the door.


    My Schedule:

    Period: A Days:                            B Days:

    1/2  AP US  rm 106                      Economics rm 106

    3/4  US History/Govt  rm 106       Desk duty/ISS

    5/6  AP US Room 106                 Economics rm 106

    7/8 Prep rm 106 or ss office        Prep rm 106

    My office is upstairs in room 260. Please take the time to come and talk to me if you have any questions or concerns. I usuallyget here at about 7:15 a.m., and I am coaching all three seasons this year so it is impoirtant you stay in touch if you have questions. You can contact me through voice mail-dial 256-4000 mailbox 69503 and leave me a message—or, my email is dbartlett@newpaltz.k12.ny.us. Good luck and have fun this year!

Last Modified on September 12, 2016