
    For a printable PDF of the Student Parking Permit application - click here




    Student must attach copies of the student's driver’s license, N.Y.S Registration and Proof of Insurance for the vehicle with the completed Application in order to receive a parking permit. Please email the documentation to Cindy Velez at cvelez@newpaltz.k12.ny.us

    All Permits Issues must be placed on the driver’s side front windshield next to the vehicle registration sticker.  


    The following rules must be followed in order to keep a parking permit at N.P.H.S. :

    1. You may NOT park in the first two rows facing the side of the building near the gym and in the front of the building as these spaces are reserved for teachers and staff ONLY.

    2. You may NOT park in Visitor spaces.

    3. The vehicle will be used to drive to school for classes and to return home at dismissal.

    4. The vehicle will NOT be used to leave school during the day, except in an emergency and with the permission of the administration and a parent/guardian.

    5. The vehicle must be locked at all times and will not be used by the student or their friends to sit in, repair or for other reasons.

    6. The vehicle will NOT be loaned to another student without prior written parent/guardian permission submitted to the main office.  

    7. All vehicles parked in school facilities MUST have a valid permit. Failure to do so may be deemed trespassing.

    8. No reckless driving or speeding is permitted.

    9. All policies and the Code of Conduct regarding use of School District property apply to a vehicle parked on school property(including but not limited to no possession or use of alcohol, illegal or other drugs, tobacco products, smoking, vaping, etc. on school property).

    10.  No vehicle may be left on school property overnight unless there is an emergency and the student       receives the  prior written permission of an administrator.

          11.The student parks on school property at their own risk. The School District and N.P.H.S will not be  

                liable for any damage to the vehicle being towed by the School District or otherwise taken from 

                the property by a third party.



    Parking privileges will be revoked for failure to follow the above rules as indicated below.

    1. 1st Violation - Warning with a call home.

    2. 2nd Violation - Suspension of parking and possible towing of the vehicle. 

    3. 3rd  Violation - Revoking of parking privileges for up to one year, Towing of the vehicle from school grounds.


    Date_____________________ Permit Number_____________________


    In order to use New Paltz Central High School parking facilities, you must register your car with the Main Office.  Please provide the following information:


    Name of student___________________________________ Grade________


    Phone number____________________________________


    Vehicle Owner____________________________________


    Relationship to student_____________________________

    License Plate #:_________________     Year:______________      Make:_________________


    Model:________________________      Color:_____________


    I have read and understand the above rules for parking on school property and the consequences of violating the rules.  If at any time a vehicle is towed as a result of violating the rules, it will be solely at the owner's expense. I agree to pay all expenses if my car is towed to the towing company. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the New Paltz Central School District against any claims, demands, injuries, damage to vehicle or its contents arising from the towing of a vehicle. 


    Signature of Student___________________________________________________________


    Signature of Parent____________________________________________________________


    Signature of Vehicle Owner_____________________________________________________


    For Office Use Only:


    • Received Copy of Student License

    • Received Copy of Vehicle Registration 

    • Received Copy of  Vehicle Insurance 

    • Signed form completed 

    Date of Authorization: __________________Signature of Office Staff: ________________________________________