•      2/12/2025   Go Maroon!
    Section 9 Swimming
    State wide swim info
     Bus to YMCA departs at 2:22 on Monday.  Saturday bus departs at 9:15
    Upcoming Meets: All meets are virtual
    27 March at YMCA v M-W and Cornwall
    Arrive by 9:30
    **this is the senior recognition meet,
    so parents of Seniors are invited to time**

    29 March (Monday) At Kingston YMCA v Valley Central... Arrive by 2:20

    Wednesdsay, 31 March practice 9-11
    at the HS

    10 April at Kingston YMCA v FDR
    17 April at Kingston YMCA Section 9 Championships

    18 April, 4-5 pm, Team recognition
    ceremony, Field of Dreams Pavilion
    Go to the NYSPHSAA
    Web site for ticket info-
    buy asap, in past years they
    have sold out of tickets

    Athlete Hotel Info(States):
    Hampton Inn
    337 Elmira Rd
    Ithaca NY
    607 277 5500
    All practices at college pool, Monday-Friday bus departs HS at  4:50
    Saturday 7-9 (no bus)

    good luck!
    Student-Athlete Eligibility and  Recruiting - NCAA
    Use petersons.com for college searches!!

    if you spot an error,email dbartlett@newpaltz.k12.ny.us

Last Modified on March 24, 2021