• Hello !
    Welcome to Mr. Ulrich's Website!

    Department: Biology
    Email Address: kulrich@newpaltz.k12.ny.us
    Voice Mail: 845-256-4000 ext. 69556
    Availability: Daily 2:20 - 2:45 Room 132


     Google Classroom Codes for Q1:

    AP Biology 1A: cminvfm

    Reproduction and Development 2A: krej3e3

    Regents Biology 3A: gjobvwu

    Reproduction and Development 2B: fa2qmcs

    AP Biology 3B: cb5vgfi


    Please, email me if you need help getting in to a class.





    Most class material and information resides on Google Classroom. There are more resources on my old website at Mr. Ulrich's Land of Biology. Go there.


Last Modified on September 1, 2020