To Be Prepared for the AP US Mid Term Exam (40 m.c. q's and 1 thematic essay):
1. make sure you have done the reading in the text thru chapter 21
1. utilize the review list below
1. go through all the textbook help web site M.C. Q’s you can
and... there is no substitute for reading (reading requires writing because writing requires thinking!)(I know, the numbers are messed up, the
idea is you know they are all equally necessary to your success)
The Really Thorough Review List Starts Here…
changes inAmerican agriculture—post civil war era
articles of confederation v constitution
religious freedom-pre 1700
relationship between GB, French, Spanish and Native Americans—pre revolution
1st great awakening
Econ, relig, political, social impact of slavery
1st parties—
2nd parties-
Know nothings
Then repubs
Antebellum advances in transportation, communication
Albany cong-1754
7 years war
Political ideology—am rev
Rev of 1800
French rev & us response
Articles of confederation
The constitution
The bill ofrights
Constitutional debate
Missouri compromise
Monroe doctrine
American system
2nd great awakening
Slave revolts
Slave life
Early industrialization
Development of us econ- 1820-1860
Manifest destiny
War with mexico
Louisiana purchase
Age of Jackson
Kansas Nebraska act
Popular sovereignty
Dred Scott
Know Nothings
Mining towns
Emancipation proclamation
Reconstruction—different plans
Cotton diplomacy
Compromise of 1877
Freedmen’s bureau
13th, 14th,15th amendments
Farmers alliances
New South
Radical repubs
Dawes Severalty act
Ghost dance
Omaha platform
Jim Crow
Investment bankers
Organization of new corporations
Vertical and horizontal integration
Labor Unions
Knights of LaborTimber and stone act
Post civil war Railroads
1890's womens rights movementsuccess ethicNew immigrants
Old immigrants
Panic of 1893
Gilded Age
Grants Presidency
Sherman Antitrust act
Womens’ rights
Patterns of settlement
Social Darwinism
Monetary issues
Gospel of wealth
Frontier thesis
Josiah StrongWilliam Graham SumnerRichard ElyWashington GladdenJohn Dewey
Alfred Thayer MahanLate 19thc politicians
Major political issues of the late 19th c
anti imperialismassimilationannexationself determinationOpen Door NotesJohn HayChinese exclusion actMonroe doctrineRoosevelt corrollaryPanama Canalreconcentration campsGen WeylerUSS MaineAnd all the things they are connected to!
…And It Ends Here