• Stuff they skim over in books...   Assigned 1 March 2011   Due 14/15 March 2011

    Your task is to consider the stuff of life-- common, everyday life that serves as the backdrop
    to the events that end up in history books. 
    You know, like

    when I went to the computer to check my email,
    the Oscar for best picture was being awarded to The King's Speech.  I was looking to see
    if a photo I took of a sculpture in the Bronx that afternoon looked good.  I took the photo
    on my cell phone, but the phone screen is too small to tell, thus the email.  The photo didn't come out
    good, but no worries, I am sure I can find a better photo of the same sculpture on Google, or maybe a video
    that contains it on YouTube... because it was the scene of an announcement.  CUNY students are suing the
    CUNY system for raising tuition, it seems.  Anyhow, the King's Speech is about a WWII event that
    inspires us to be more than, or the best us we can be.

    And I like the sculpture.

    Time Frame-- 1870's-1939... a good lifespan replete with memories made rich
    by the background. 


    Media: projected images with sound (powerpoint and/or movie).  
    Can be/use actual, primary source examples (kind of hard to do, considering the early time frame)
    or you can fake it.  Ok, be creative... enjoy yourself.  FIFTEEN MINUTE limit.


    To Do List-- A list of seven!

    1-Consider the topics portrayed... the point is to link the cultural stuff to historic developments. This means
    that the cultural stuff is a vehicle to tell a story of  important developments... not all important developments,
    that would be impossible, but fifteen... that would be good.  Yes, make it fifteen.
    2-It should be chronological…include dates, names, etc.  And answer the English Questions... whowhatwhenwherewhyhow. 

    3-Make the connection from then to now.

    4-Identify the turning points.

    5-What could have been done in hindsight? Any missed opportunities?

    6-Have a general truth.

    7-Make a check for learning (AP style) multiple choice – 10 questions. This will also be part of the Media Presentation.
    **Not a bad idea to skim them from AP review materials

    Save to Bartlett’s classes folder, or save in a place that is 100% absolutely positively
    without a shadow of a shudder of a hint of the most miniscule possibility of doubt
    accessible on the due date.
    In other words,
    make sure it is easily accessible. 
    Enjoy yourself!

    Topic list (Choose one, one per group. First come, first serve):

    1- medicine-- understanding and curing the body

    2- swaying the masses-- means of influencing the people, sharing the message
    3- literature/poetry

    4- medicine-- understanding and curing the mind

    5- technology/inventions and how they change…

    6- photos and paintings with heavy emphasis on interpretation

    7- entertainment – what do they do for fun?

    this list is a bit plastic, in the pre- WWI European sense; be the Captain of your ship.
    (who are you, where are you going, and who is your captain?)
Last Modified on March 1, 2011