Course Outline-
    Mr Bartlett
    Room 106

    Welcome to the course! This is a 10 week course devoted to the study of Human Rights in a global context. We will examine the development of the concept of human rights and the role of the individual, the community, and government in maintaining and preserving rights. Students will gain knowledge of underpinning philosophies, international laws and treaties, and an understanding of US policies and responses to human rights issues.

    We will explore three case studies from the recent past as well as focusing on the current humanitarian crisis in Darfur, Sudan. This course will cover material and information that challenges our understanding of the human experience and may provoke a multitude of reactions from anger and disbelief to hope and encouragement. The course will provide many opportunities to react to the readings, films, and student presentations we encounter.  The course is most fulfilling when students participate in class discussions and we work together to understand global human rights and abuses in the past four decades.  The reliance on current events and documentary history ensures a smooth alignment of the course with the common core curriculum.

    My expectations of students:

    1) Students are expected to arrive on time, prepared to discuss and participate in each lesson.

    2) Each student should obtain a notebook for the class. 

    3) Students will be assigned  supplementary topics that they will research and present to the class in a brief presentations (5 minutes) to complement our knowledge of particular topics.  Students should pay close attention to world news during the course and should be reading a national newspaper or visiting the following sites for more information:




    1.  Tests/Quizzes– 50%

    2.  Homework/Classwork– 50%

    3.  Final Project – 25%

    Final average is sum of all 3 divided by 5 

    The Human Rights course will deal with the following:
    Origins of Human Rights in political terms

    Introduction to Universal Declaration of Human Rights

    War, Peace, and Human Rights

    International Criminal Court

    Role of Government and the Law: Justice, Fairness, and Equality

    United Nations and organs

    (TopPlease see me if you need assistance with this course. You should make an appointment, though you will usually find me in room 106 or the social studies office.  It is also efficient to email me-- use the school email as I check it more than once per day (below).

    dbartlett@newpaltz.k12.ny.us.  My voicemail is 256 4000 ext 69503
    A day-
    block 1- ISS rm 204
    B day
    block 1- 106
Last Modified on January 31, 2012