Human Rights- Research Task 2- individual presentationsWhat to do:Please note- the goal here is to look at a violation that is not limited to a single regime or government, but rather a problem that exists across many borders.1. Identify a specific violation of human rights.
You may choose any topic relating to human rights, past projects have included: child soldiers, Tiananmen Square, Beijing Olympics,human trafficking, refugees, diamond mining, LBBTQ rights, and many others.
2. Define the violation referencing the Universal Declaration3. Identify specific examples of the topic chosen- and if relevant, something going on now.4. Research the perspectives of all parties involved- both the abuser and the victims5. Tell the story- what happened, where, when, for how long, why6. What has been done to stop the abuse? Include both local and international efforts.Organize your work into a presentation that includes reference to primary source documents and news articles; include sources with documents. DO NOT go over 10 minutes!** due 4 June 2012
Last Modified on May 25, 2012