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    french and indian war the constitution to ratify or not to ratify? the bill of rights the art of confed the revolutionary war
    200 200 200 200 200 200
    400 400 400 400 400 400
    600 600 600 600 600 600
    800 800 800 800 800 800
    1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000















    French and Indian war


    200  In 1739, England declared war on Spain for this reason, justifying a greedy and selfish war that played a fueled tensions later.  (Jenkins Ear, in a box, the black legend)


    400  England began to challenge the French in the new world due to this

    (population growth and penetration into the west)


    600  As a result of the 7 years war, this port was gained by Spain

    (New Orleans)


    800  Spain lost this during the 7 yrs war  (Florida)


    1000  This Treaty ended the Seven Years war (treaty of paris)






    The constitution


    200  this proposal called for an executive branch and 2 houses of congress  (Virginia plan)


    400  this plan called for a unicameral legislature with equal representation for the states as well as increased power for the national gov’t  (new jersey plan)


    600  These people were counted as 3/5th of a person for taxation and representation  (slaves)


    800  if a president commits a crime, this branch has the power to impeach him  (house of representatives)


    1000  this branch of gov’t has, by precedent, the power to determine the constitutionality of a law  (judicial)








    To ratify, or not to ratify?


    200  this political faction favored ratification of the constitution  (federalists)


    400  promise of this swayed many to support the constitution  (bill of rights)


    600  The new yoik ratification convention was stalled for this purpose

    (so that other states could ratify the constitution, putting pressure on NY to do so also)


Last Modified on November 10, 2011