• Antebellum Era Feature Film Assigment (Its about the past in the future)
    AP US History
    assigned:  21 October 2015
    due: 4 November 2015
    Topics: (don't use the topic name as the titles of your commercials)
    1. Rural and frontier life, yeoman farmers vs. Plantation Life--Nick,Chris,Nate

    2. Factories...Lowell, Cincinnati, urbanization--Lorenzo, Neve, Ethan
    3. Religious Revival Again--Ian, Dan,Sean
    4. Reform and Utopianism--Thanasi,Quentin,PJ
    5. Specifically Women's Rights--Marc,Kelly,Ilaysha
    6. Abolitionism, The Peculiar Institution, Forms of resistance, Freedom--Steph,Mike,Sara

    7. Building stuff like canals and railroads and wires...technology--Blake, Nora, Shannon
    8. Moving west (into the Louisiana Purchase and beyond)--Danielle, Greg, Dana
    Become an expert regarding the topic you have chosen, write, produce, and direct several full length feature films that become instant cult classics (i italicized it so you'd see that you have to make several full length feature films), and then...

    Based upon the feature films you have created, prepare commercials-- previews- for each of the feature films you have created... more than three, in case you are wondering.
    So- you create commercials that will induce audiences to not only burn with desire to see the films, but also feel as though they know everything the films are about after seeing the previews.
    make a list of important people, places/events, and ideas/concepts that are key to your topic, sketch an outline of several stories to tell- what are the big ideas- and then plan your "clips" that will be strung together to make the previews.
    Each of your classmates is to be provided with this list, so be sure it is in the proper order.
    The list will serve as a note taking guide.
    Previews (combined running length of all) cannot be more than... 10 minutes long.
    ENSURE that you work is playable BEFORE the due date. Sorry for yelling there, I just don't want you to miss what it says. I don't even like to capitalize the first word in a sentence, much less all the letters in a word.
Last Modified on November 13, 2015