What is the criteria to be inducted into the National Honor Society?

What is the criteria to be inducted into the National Honor Society?
Induction into the National Honor Society is based on the following criteria:
Scholarship is based on your GPA at the end of your sophomore year. In order to get invited to apply, you need an 87.5 GPA. If you meet this requirement, you will receive an invitation to apply in the email sometime in October.
Leadership is based on appointed or elected offices in the school and community.
Service is based on voluntary (unpaid) hours giving back to the school and community.  At least 20 hours of varied community service is required.
Character is based on the recommendation of 5 teachers of your choice.
It is a point-based system with a rubric. After applications are collected, a team of 6 teachers meet to review the applications and apply points where appropriate. Anyone who meets the minimum points required is invited to join.