Our Physical Education students will be graded using numerical grades with each class worth a total of 5 points. 

     The grade that a student receives is based upon three things:

    1.   Preparedness- Students must wear appropriate attire (1 point)

    2.   Participation - Students must actively engage in warm-ups and lesson focus. (3 Points)

    3.  Improvement- Relative to Skill/Cognitive ability (1 point)

    The nature of Physical Education is participatory.  Students get credit for being in class and participating during each class.  No homework is given.  Students MUST participate on a consistent basis to receive credit.

    The following are reasons for failure:

    1.  More than 3 absences in one quarter that are not made up.  Remember: 2 lates equal 1 absence! 

    2.  3 unprepared classes in a quarter OR 3 non-participation classes in a quarter.

    NOTE:  Once a student reaches 6 absences in a quarter, he or she MUST make up the lost Physical Education time to earn credit.  Written work will NOT be accepted under this circumstance.




Last Modified on March 13, 2012