Professional Resources - articles, linksOctober 12, 2017 School Library JournalAASL standards for Library education in schools - NEW Print copy availableCommon Core and Information Fluency standards aligned for K-12
There is plenty to read and use in this 400+ page document created to
streamline collaboration between Library Media teachers and Classroom teachers;
but you don't have to read it all. Find your grade levels and you will see the goals,
and the assessments, that have been created to practice and achieve success in
benchmark skills that dovetail common core and information literacy.
A People's History of the United States, by Howard Zinn Complete text on-line.56 Professional Education (ASCD) titles from Gale Virtual Libraryaccess code available on pathfinder
Inquiry and Common Core with the Library - This is a link to a wiki put together forpurposes of aligning Common Core standards with the standards and goals of theEmpire State Information Fluency Curriculum. Benchmarks, assessments, rubrics forevaluating assessments, as well as sample SLOs across grade level and curriculum,can be found and explored here.
Writing: A Core Skill - articles from the April 2014 issueof Educational Leadership. Print copy in Library. The PDFs can be read online. If youchoose to print any of them remember to choose two-sided.Writing: Hard Work and Magicis a process,a skill, a joy.
pique inspiration, but tangible instruction does.of persuasionTeaching Argument Writing to ELLs by Larry Ferlazzo and Katie Hull-SypnieskiStrategies for every level of language learner - from beginner to advanced.Contains a Writers on Writing piece by Maggie Stiefvater on "Looking for the Black Sheep"Double Take - Writing Standards Research Alert and How to Write an EssayLet Students Write Their Masterpiece by Steve Gardiner What happens whenthe teacher says, "This is the year you write your masterpiece.."Making the Most of Mentor Texts by Kelly Gallagher To learn to do somethingunfamiliar, stand next to someone who knows how.Parents as Writing Partners by Mary Ehrenworth How to enlist parents to be theirchild's first readerRevamping the Classroom Research Project by Nanci Werner-Burke Google and thespirit of inquiry make research projects lively, relevant, and substantive. (Includes theunderstanding that evaluating a website is, or has been, a part of instruction)Writing to the World by Julie D. Ramsay Kids collaborate on a global levelthrough digital social interaction. Includes a piece by Joyce Sidman on "Chasing Words".not formula, and leave the straitjacket behind.do what is inherently difficult?the same as doing original work.Teach Critical Thinking to Teach Writing by Bryan Goodwin Examining the linkbetween thinking and writing.
Last Modified on September 20, 2018