• AP Psychology                                           Fall Semester 2017                                    Mrs. Costello

    Welcome to Advanced Placement Psychology!

    Do opposites attract? Is it possible to really feel pain in a phantom limb? Is sexual orientation determined by nature or nurture? How accurate is eyewitness testimony? Did that really happen or did I just dream it? Does cramming for an exam really work? Is it ethical to experiment on chimpanzees or are they too “human?” These are some of the questions that modern psychology tries to answer. This elective will introduce you to the basic theories and current research in the field of Psychology and will cover the history of the science. Psychology is an exciting field! In studying psychology we learn more about ourselves as humans in the process.

    The AP Psychology course is a rigorous elective and requires a commitment by all participants to complete the assigned readings, adhere to the due dates for assignments, and to seek out extra help whenever necessary. In May of this school year all students in the class will take the AP Psychology exam created by the College Board. Students will be responsible for purchasing the exam for approximately $93.00 through the school. Students may get more information about the College Board and this course by visiting www.collegeboard.com.

    Assessments & Grades:

    All grades in the class will be based on the number of points earned divided by the number of points possible for an assignment. For example:

    1 Quiz – 40 possible points, 30 points earned / 40 points possible = 75%

    A variety of assessments tools will be used for this course including:

    ·        Diagrams

    ·        Quizzes

    ·        Reaction / reflection / analysis papers

    ·        Essays

    ·        Tests

    ·        Projects and mini projects


    Workload Expectations:

    The AP Psychology curriculum was constructed to mirror that of a general psychology course at the college level. Students should expect to spend about 5 – 6 hours a week on coursework outside of the classroom. This is a general guideline. The amount of time necessary outside of the classroom varies greatly and is dependent bot on the individual and the grade sought.


    General Expectations

    It is expected that you enrolled in AP Psychology because you have an interest in the subject and have a desire to work at a college level pace with an ultimate goal of passing the AP exam. Our time together will be spent on content, not behavioral distractions. The following classroom guidelines have been set forth with that goal in mind.

    1.       Respect: Respect your classmates as students of the subject. Listen to their comments, questions, and opinions and treat them as you would like to be treated.

    2.     Relevance & Sharing: Please share matters of relevance. Many of the issues we will discuss will be ones for which you may find a personal connection. Please feel free to raise your hand and share as connections and questions help us all learn. Often matters arise which may initiate the desire for a one on one conversation about personal matters or concerns. Please come and see me or stay after about ANYTHING you wish to ask about or discuss further. Please understand that we may not be able to entertain all questions and concerns in class so try to differentiate between what is suitable for the whole class and what questions would be better suited to a conversation or question after class. Also – use the Psych question box.

    3.      Preparation: Be prepared for class by being on time, having your assignment completed and having your binder, pens and pencils ready to go at your desk when class starts. If your things are on the desk when the bell rings but you are in the bathroom you are still late.

    4.     Technology: Cellphones must be turned off and put away during class. We have a clock on the wall for checking the time. Possession of cell phones on your desk, in your lap, hand etc. during class will result in phone confiscation, behavioral referrals and potentially reassignment.

    5.      Personal Needs: Make every attempt to take care of bathroom and water needs prior to or after the class ends.

    6.      Attendance: If you were absent, yes – you missed something important. If you have to go to a band or choir lesson, yes – you missed / will miss something important. If you are going on a field trip or know you will be absent ahead of time you are expected to have your work done the following class. If you are absent because of an illness you will have one week to make up missed work without penalty. I will not seek you out; it is your responsibility to come to me. Detailed questions about late or missing work will not be entertained during class – this includes “what will I miss?” for those leaving for band /choir mid class. See me during office or afterschool hours to discuss missing or makeup work. Lastly, students who missed a test or quiz because of an absence but were present for the material leading up to that quiz or test must plan on taking that quiz during a study hall or after school on the day they return.


    Contact information:

    I will be available for extra help both after school and during the day. Since I teach multiple courses I sometimes have students scheduled for a particular subject specific problem after school so please try to check in with me to make an appointment for help whenever possible. You can usually find me in these places:

    Before School (around 7:40) – Room 263

    Afterschool: Room 263

    A-Day  - 2nd & 3rd block – room 260 or 173

    B-Day -  3rd block 260

    Email: lcostello@newpaltz.k12.ny.us   / voicemail 256-4175 X 69511

    Course Outline

    I. Scope, History, and Methodology

    II. Neuroscience

    III. Behaviorism

    IV. Sensation and Perception

    V. Developmental Psychology

    VI. Intelligence and Psychological Testing

    VII. Consciousness, Memory, and Language

    VIII. Motivation and Emotions

    IX. Personality

    X. Stress and Health

    XI. Abnormal Psychology

    XII. Social Psychology

Last Modified on September 14, 2017