Orange County CSEA Scholarship
Posted by April Miller on 3/12/2024
Any student who has a parent and/or guardian that is a member of CSEA Orange County Local 836 may fill out and submit the application form. Each year CSEA Orange County Local gives our a total of 15 scholarships in the amount of $500 each to dependents of a CSEA Local 836 member. The scholarship winners are announced in May and the winner and CSEA member are invited to an event to accept their award. CSEA Orange County Local 836 represents approximately 5000 union members that are employed by various Towns, Villages, and Cities in Orange County as well as County of Orange employees and various School Districts in Orange County. The application process is an easy one. Each student must fill out the application completely and legibly. including the short essay questions (of no more than 500 words each) on separate sheets of paper which need to be attached to the application form. A current official High School transcript must be attached to the application for the student to be considered. The completed application and transcript must be postmarked and sent to our office by April 28, 2024. Any applications postmarked after that date will be disqualified and will not be considered. Please pick-up the application at the Student Support Center.